Maricopa County’s LD3 PCs Rightly Suspended By Unanimous Vote

On July 10, 2023 we found the following statement on the independent publication, Maricopa County Republican Briefs:

Two PC’s in Maricopa County’s LD 3 were suspended during the LD’s monthly District Meeting on June 30, by a unanimous vote of the organization’s body. Voting rights, meeting and event attendance plus speaking privileges of Brian Ference and KJ Kuctha were revoked for the remainder of their two-year term. According to an announcement from the LD , both Ference and Kuctha were found guilty by the Standing Rules of Conduct Committee of violating the LD’s Standing Rule prohibiting “behavior tending to injure the good name of the organization…”

The logical question to ask here is whether this action was justified. We do not know enough about Kuctha’s actions to comment, but we have been watching, with a great deal of dismay the increasingly disruptive, divisive, and seemingly unethical behavior of Brian Ference and have concluded that his district’s actions were justified as a first step in ridding the Republican party of this individual.

Ference’s attack on Republican elected officials and others that disagree with him and his allies has two fronts:

a) Convincing uninformed precinct committeemen to vote in favor of Censures that attack and undermine Republican elected officials with whom he and his accomplices disagree.

b) Relentlessly attacking individuals, via emails, and portraying them as Nazis and worse. It seems that everyone who does not fall for his drivel is characterized as a Nazi.

First let us look at the censures by dissecting one that was passed targeting House Speaker Toma and Senate President Petersen. Ference’s cabal was successful in convincing enough uninformed precinct committeemen to pass this resolution of censure in nine legislative districts.

RESOLUTION Legislative District #__ of Congressional District #__ RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Ben Toma, as Leader of the Arizona House of Representatives; and, Warren Peterson, as President of the Arizona Senate, are hereby rebuked and censured with a vote of no-confidence and do forfeit the social, political, and financial support of their Republican Constituency. This forfeiture shall remain in place until such a time as they realize and correct their errors by bringing all the financial might that civil and criminal law affords their sworn public offices to defund the Governor’s Office until the Governor acknowledges and acts to correct election fraud and in favor of the Citizens of the State of Arizona.

Let us see what would happen if the state legislature were to cave to the demands of these agitators by defunding the office of the governor, “until the Governor acknowledges and acts to correct election fraud and in favor of the Citizens of the State of Arizona.”

Does anyone have any idea as to what the following day’s headlines would be from the news media? Here are some likely possibilities:

  • “Republicans defund the governor’s office. Poor, minorities, and those who depend the most on our government will suffer the most.”
  • “Republicans, poor losers that they are, take revenge on the office of the governor, thereby causing absolute chaos.”
  • “The Republican-controlled legislature cannot stand the fact that Lake lost to Hobbs and now are trying to undermine Hobbs’ ability to govern.”
  • Does any thinking individual doubt that this defunding action by the Republican legislature would ensure victory for Democrats in 2024 and be the death knell for Republicans for years to come?

    It appears that Ference and his accomplices, by their actions are seeking the destruction of the Republican party. There does not seem to be another logical way to interpret these actions.

    It would be wise for precinct committeemen to look carefully at these resolutions of censure and evaluate the ultimate consequences of voting for them.

    The second part of Ference’s scorched earth policy is his attack via mass emails. It seems that he has a fetish, and an obsession, with Nazis because unless one is on his twisted side, one is a Nazi in his view. Here are some examples. It should be noted that it would be impossible to quote here the full content of these emails, but they are readily available online for those who want to verify that the excerpts quoted are accurate representations and within the context of the whole emails.

    June 17, 2023

    Dear Jeff DeWit, The illegitimate and deposed Fascist Candace Czarny whom you support (and have indicated so in several letters and emails including one to a judge) is now attempting to legitimize herself by holding fake Nazi tribunals against dissent and the First Amendment and seeks to Strip the below Elected PC of their voting rights directly violating State Statute and County Bylaws (at bottom)

    June 15, 2023

    The latest such censure (read full text) Legislative District 23 Censured 24 Republicans (including Joseph Chaplik) which encourages them to not run for re-election and resign, “so that another Republican willing to Honor their Oath and Uphold the Arizona Constitution can take their place.” LD23 states they are in violation of “Maladministration, Maleficence, the Arizona Constitution, Oath of Office to which they consented to be governed and have furthermore lost the Trust of the

    PCs of Maricopa in LD23.” LD23 states that “All 24 Republicans no longer have the support nor the assistance in re-election efforts going forward from the PCs of Maricopa in LD23” and “All 24 Republicans are expelled from attending any Maricopa LD23 meetings.

    June 6, 2023

    In a shocking and factually incorrect letter to Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Moskowitz, AZGOP Chair Jeff DeWit sets a never-before-seen precedent that any precinct committeeman disagreement should be litigated in court. He states he is “writing this letter in support..” of “Candace Czarny.” (an authoritarian who has frequently violated bylaws, Roberts Rules of Order, and the 1st and 2nd Amendment to the Constitution and recently convened Nazi-like Tribunals against dissent) and states “We need the help of the court to intervene.” What a precedent to set. Now any disagreement between PCs can go straight to litigation in the courts.

    May 17, 2023

    Czar Fake LD3 Board Nazi-Like Committee Near-Identical to German 1934 Law Against Malicious Attacks on State and Party As a reminder, Candace Czarny and her Fake LD3 Board were voted out by 196 PCs on March 30th in an election officially recognized by Maricopa County.

    Despite this, they continue to impersonate the Official Chair Bob Gomez, spamming PCs with increasingly erratic messages making wildly false and desperate claims. Today, the fake Czar and her Shadow Board have sunk to a new low bringing up “charges” against multiple PCs in a Nazi-Like Committee which is nearly identical to the 1934 German tactic and “Law against Malicious Attacks on State and Party.”

    There should be no doubt that the action taken against Mr. Farence thus far is quite appropriate, given the level of his misbehavior. But more should be done, the only question is what. We have essentially three options.

    1. Punishing by the Maricopa County Republican Committee. It would be difficult to muster the votes necessary for this.

    2. Having a recall election. This would be expensive and time consuming at a time when most active Republicans are trying to promote candidates for the upcoming elections.

    3. Replace him at the next election for members at large. This seems the least disruptive and most effective way to deal with this situation.

    Since the election for Maricopa County Republican Committee members at large is coming up in a few short months, it seems that the precinct committeemen that will be electing them should become better informed about what has been going on, nominate, and vote for, members who have in mind the best interest of the Republicans, and ultimately the state. Until then, the best solution is to ignore Ference and his accomplices.

    BRIAN FERENCEKJ Kucthald3pcsSuspended