Biden Honors McCain and His Principles

By Al Wilson

John McCain was known to stand by his principles regardless of the party line. That would be a refreshing change compared to our current often divided status. I am glad President Biden understands this, and applaud him for coming to Arizona to honor Senator McCain’s memory.

Senator McCain also understood that governing needed to be approached in a balanced way, and that leaders need to consider all aspects and effects of legislation and regulations before making a decision. It is exactly this reason that I am so concerned with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) proposed rules and regulations, although well intended could have disastrous effects on our recovering economy and manufacturing sector nationwide and especially here in Arizona. They are proposing many rule changes that would take direct aim at the chemicals used in manufacturing – especially in the Electric vehicle and semi-conductor segments. This could have long lasting and catastrophic effects here in Arizona as we have burgeoning industries in these segments.

I hope Congress and our leaders will make sure the EPA looks at the big picture before enacting draconian limits to these chemicals until alternatives are available and economical.

Al Wilson
Payson, AZ
