On Thursday, KFYI’s “Conservative Circus” radio host James T. Harris was shot at while driving to work by a yet-unidentified individual. The shooting occurred just before 6 a.m. at an apartment complex along 48th Street and McDowell Road in Phoenix.
Police have yet to identify or apprehend the shooter.
Pop! Shatter! Shot!!! pic.twitter.com/ZUZleY0Jtr
— James T Harris (@JamesTHarris) February 23, 2024
Apart from landing shots on Harris’ car, the shooter managed to cause one casualty prior to fleeing into Brunson-Lee Elementary School. The victim, a man, was reportedly hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. Despite the potential for delay caused by an active shooter, the school reopened on time, 8:30 a.m., after police conducted a search of the area.
However, the Phoenix Police Department (PPD) warned that the surrounding neighborhood would have limited access along the roads. Police advised the public to set up alternate routes of travel.
“The search of the school is complete,” stated PPD. “The related shooting scene investigation is still being conducted and will limit access to the neighborhood.”
Phoenix Police are near 48th St and McDowell Rd investigating a shooting. This remains an active investigation. We are asking that no one go to Brunson Lee Elementary School, 1350 N 48th St, until this situation is resolved. School Admin will be sending a message to parents. pic.twitter.com/tX1TnMHZCu
— Phoenix Police (@PhoenixPolice) February 22, 2024
Harris discussed the incident on Thursday’s episode of “Conservative Circus.” Harris said that he initially believed he had run over something, and later found the bullet hole in the side of his car after parking.
“On my way into the Radio Factory, I heard a loud pop and then a shattering, and I thought, ‘Did I hit something?’ and I was looking around to see if my car windows had been, you know, broken because I heard this shattering. And I was about to slow down and do a U-turn to see if I hit something in the road, but something told me, no, you know what, you’d better just get on to work, pronto. So I drove to work but I was bothered, I was only about 4-5 minutes out, but I just kept hearing this noise over and over again, I heard a pop and I heard a shattering, it was somewhere on the right side of the car, passenger’s side. When I got to the parking lot, parked my car I went out and I looked and there was a hole sliced into the bottom of my door. The metal was split open. And, there was metal inside of the door. I’m like, this is, I didn’t hit anything. Something hit me. The metal inside of the door looked like bullet casings. My friends, somebody shot at the Ringmaster. Somebody shot at my car.”
Harris said that this incident was part of a growing trend in crime nationwide. Harris related Thursday’s incident to the recent shooting death of popular radio DJ Lisa Lopez-Galvan while participating in the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl victory celebration.
“It’s getting crazy out there,” said Harris. “I’ve seen actual drive-by shootings back in the old neighborhood that I used to live in Milwaukee. I thought we were away from all that. But no, this is Biden’s America. Crime is spreading. This is Biden’s America.”
Police interviewed Harris between commercial breaks for further leads on the shooter. Anyone with information about the shooter should contact Phoenix Police at 480-948-6377.