There is No Such Thing as “Safe” Sex for Kids 4.0

There is NO kind of sexual activity – heterosexual, homosexual, bi-sexual, any SEXUAL  ̶  that is “safe” for emotionally immature school-aged children – male or female – even those who have reached that miraculous, chronological “age of majority” – 18 years old. This is confirmed by the increase in suicide, sexually transmitted diseases, drug/alcohol abuse, self-mutilation, sexually induced, emotional distress of all kinds among our teens since the “sexual liberation” of the 1960s.

I first wrote these word when the legislature repealed what some, including the then Superintendent Kathy Hoffman, referred to as the “No Promo Homo” statute.

Back in the day what was called “sex ed” – if it existed in schools at all – was in fact basic biology. When it became slightly more explicit the message was abstinence.

Next the message was about “consent.” The problem is one can’t consent without a full understanding not only of the physical consequences of sex – pregnancy, STDs – but also the potential for emotional and psychological damage from engaging in sex too young.

In all my trips around the sun, I have honestly never once had anyone tell me they wished they had become sexually active younger but many, especially women, have said, if they had it to do over again, they would have, should have, waited. But I digress.

Then came actual instruction and/or library books about how to engage in sex, by one’s self or with a partner, using birth control of course wink, wink.

It was during the 2019 session that the legislature repealed ARS 15-716 “Instruction on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome” subsection (C) which read:

  1. No district shall include in its course of study [AIDS/HIV] instruction which:
  2. Promotes a homosexual life-style.
  3. Portrays homosexuality as a positive alternative life-style.
  4. Suggests that some methods of sex are safe methods of homosexual sex

Which arguable, ostensibly gives the nod to adding homosexual sex to sex education curricula.

But just when parents might think this is the end of it, they have another think coming. Which brings us to current events in Arizona, Flagstaff Unified School District (FUSD) in particular.

During one of the FUSD mandatory meetings held to “update” its sex ed curricula Coconino County Public Health “Educator” Sydney Tolchinsky suggested/recommended the district begin teaching fifth graders “There are boys with periods, there are girls who will not get periods.” How long until districts will actively be duping children during sex ed classes into believing they can surgically change their biological sex?

When the world learned of Nazi Dr. Mengle’s abuse and mutilation of children it was shocked. Today the mutilation of children is all but mandated – by government, doctors, hospitals, sadly even in some cases parents – at the child’s self-diagnosis of gender dysphoria. Some states are passing laws forbidding such mutilation but one can’t help but wonder why it’s not specifically being punished as child abuse unless a state has a law specifically allowing chemical and surgical destruction of a child’s body.

What will be the next new area of instruction added into districts’ sex education curricula for our children – condoning consensual sex with adults a.k.a. pedophilia? As if we don’t already have enough adults sexually abusing our children in the government school system without “teaching” children they can/should consent.

I wrote at the time ARS 15-716(C) was addressed rather than repeal it all the legislature needed to do was replace that language with this:


This would have addressed the continuing radicalization of the sexual instruction being imposed upon our children.

But the real questions are why are parents allowing what their children are being taught about sex to be scientifically, biologically incorrect? Why are parents allowing strangers in their children’s school to teach their children about the most personal, private area of human life? Why would parents allow their children to be taught such a sensitive, intimate, potentially life changing physical activity without any moral guidance of right and wrong?

More than once I have heard teachers and administrators say that if parents want their children taught abstinence it should be taught at home. Once again the system has it wrong. What parents want their children taught about sex should be, must be, taught at home by the people who love them and care about their physical and emotional well-being.

Diane DouglasFlagstaff Unified School Districtsafe sexsex-ed
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  • Bill Sellers

    Train, certify, and license parents. And pay parasites, criminals, addicts, et al…a chunk of $$$ to be permanently sterilized. The problem will take care of itself within 20+ yrs.

  • Aristotle's Wine Glass

    I didn’t have sex until I was 18yo. Not going to lie, I wish it’d happened sooner, but that’s a biological imperative for males. This idea of ‘potential for emotional and psychological damage from engaging in sex too young’ is wholly feminine. I guy who doesn’t want to have sex probably doesn’t have a lot to worry about, ’cause he’s not likely to get it, anyway. I don’t know of a single guy who ‘scored’ in high school who regretted it, and none of us who didn’t are saying, ‘Wow, gee, glad I dodged that bullet…” And now that we’ve feminized society as a whole the betas are just parroting what they think will get them some, now. It’s kinda sad, actually.

  • Robert Canterbury

    Great article as always Mrs. Douglas. I know for a fact that most, if not all young children who have been sexually molested have many life issues as they grow older. While some people will say that reading things in books or seeing things on TV is different than experiencing it physical, that is not always the case.

    Just 5 minutes before I read this article I was reading ARS 13-3506, which I believe goes hand and hand with this article and that all of our legislators need to read over and over again

  • Carlyn

    🙏 parents wake up and be engaged in their child’s education system!
    Legislators must protect the most vulnerable in our society…wickedness has to be called out and dealt with! It takes all of us, wherever we see these abuses of power, to do what we can to stop it! If good people do nothing they might as well be the wicked!