Arizona Senate Passes Secure The Border Act

az senate

Protesters against the Secure the Border Act disrupted the Arizona Senate’s debate on Wednesday but failed to shut it down.

The Secure the Border Act passed out of the Senate on a party line vote and now heads to the House for a final vote before appearing on the November ballot for Arizona voters to approve.

The pro-illegal immigration group, Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), called for the protest ahead of the scheduled debate.

The protestors interrupted Senator TJ Shope’s speech prior to casting his vote in favor of the bill.

Republican lawmakers were determined to pass the bill in the wake of what they say is Governor Katie Hobbs’ negligence in blocking their numerous attempts to protect Arizona communities from a dramatic rise in border-related crimes.

The Secure the Border Act, also known as HCR 2060, is similar to Texas’ SB 4 and would provide local, county, or state law enforcement the authority to arrest individuals who are non-U.S. citizens entering Arizona from Mexico outside of a lawful port of entry. SB 4 is currently on hold as it’s being litigated in federal court. If upheld by the courts, and if Arizona voters approve the Secure the Border Act in November, this specific provision of the bill would take effect in Arizona 60 days after implementation in Texas.

Other provisions in the bill, not contingent on court rulings, include harsher penalties for drug dealers trafficking fentanyl across the border that leads to an overdose death of a person. Additionally, the measure will establish a state crime of any individuals living in Arizona illegally who knowingly submit false information or documents to apply for government benefits or apply for employment. Lastly, it will require state agencies administering benefits to use the federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements program, in addition to current state verification systems when determining eligibility of non-U.S. citizens.

According to new data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the number of suspected terrorists entering the U.S illegally has skyrocketed more than 2500% since Joe Biden took office. Federal agents apprehended 367 individuals, whose names were on the terror watch list, at both the southern and northern borders between FY 2021 and FY 2024, reaffirming the urgent need for a border security measure like HCR 2060 to protect our citizens and our state.

“The Governor’s reckless disregard for the safety and well-being of our citizens has left us no other option than to send the Secure the Border Act to the ballot to empower Arizonans to take matters into their own hands,” said Senate President Warren Petersen.

“The people of Arizona have had enough with Democrats turning a blind eye to the border invasion,” said Senator Janae Shamp. “The chaos Governor Hobbs and Democrat lawmakers are perpetuating from Biden’s open border fiasco needs to stop, and I’m confident it will, when voters make their voices heard in November.”

“Our sheriffs are in desperate need of action from their elected leaders, and we are answering their calls for help, despite the Biden Administration continuing to turn their backs on them,” said Senator David Gowan. “Our citizens deserve safe communities, and our law enforcement officers deserve the tools to protect them. Arizonans want action, and I’m looking forward to the positive change that will come from the Secure the Border Act.”

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  1. I would be very surprised if this bill got passed by voters. With Arizona politics being what it is you can bet there will conveniently b e more no mail in ballots that can’t b e confirmed but will be counted anyway.

  2. the demise of the nation will come with many symptoms and side effects – we’re just observing this subset of symptoms – open borders – loss of rights of the current population – the socialization of laws that in effect remove law and order – to further demise and destroy the nation and the rights of the people… Religion is next.

  3. Well informed voters were never fooled by the campaign promises of Hobbs and Mayes to secure our border to the south. Question is- are independent voters able and willing to help support this proposed action or will they continue to believe Hobbs and Mayes legitimately care about legal residents of Arizona and our well being?

  4. God for you Arizona!!!! I wish we could do this in California but we have Newscum. Enough said.

  5. Don’t expect “open borders Nanos” to arrest illegals if he is re-elected Sheriff of Pima County. He stands for open borders and eliminating the second amendment. See his campaign position on You-tube.

  6. can’t wait for september surprise
    is it time for dirt nap joey
    and then
    Michelle springs to action to save democracy(to bad we’re republic)

  7. Gallego says this bill is the wrong thing do. The legislature should banning AR 15s instead

  8. Good!! I vote to build the Wall! There is a right and a wrong way to come to the United States. The senile old man in the white house has the wrong way.
    “Heaven has a wall, a gate,and a strict immigration policy. Hell has open borders.”

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