AZ Legislature Week In Review – Week Ending June 7 2024

Arizona capitol

The long-awaited Secure the Border Act, HCR2060, has finally ended its tortuous voyage through the state legislature and has been sent to the Secretary of State for inclusion in the November ballot as a proposition for the people to vote on.

HCR2060 – border; benefits; fentanyl; illegal entry This bill does more than secure the border. It contains three key provisions:

  • An immigration laws enforcement provision fashioned after Texas’ SB4. This provision will be contingent upon the Texas law being approved by the U. S. Supreme Court.
  • An enhancement of the laws dealing with fentanyl. A lot of the fentanyl that enters our country does so via illegal border crossings.
  • A lawful presence requirement to obtain tax-payer funded benefits. This provision is already in statutes, but it is frequently circumvented and will be repealed if the legislature flips to Democrat control.

The immigration laws enforcement provision is likely to be challenged in court, just like Texas’ SB4 which this law is fashioned after. Most likely, some of the provisions herein will be struck down.

The second provision, dealing with fentanyl, is likely to be supported even by some Democrats, so a challenge is not likely.

The third provision simply reinforces SRS 1-501 and 1-502. These are the statutes that require a lawful presence to qualify for taxpayer-funded benefits.

This bill passed without one single vote from Democrats.

This week, the House took action on a few other bills. Here are the results:

HB2185 liquor; policies; procedures PASSED
SB1052 all-terrain vehicles; definition FAILED
SB1081 exemption area; assured water supply PASSED
SB1410 housing trust fund; rural areas
(NOW: marijuana; licensing; delivery)
SB1447 fentanyl; manufacturing drugs; machines FAILED
SB1458 congregate care; dependent children; procedures FAILED
SB1511 insurance; gender surgeries; documentation; reports PASSED
SB1567 off-highway vehicles; education requirement PASSED
SB1638 residential property; transient occupant; remedies
(NOW: Pacific conflict; assessment)

In the governor’s front, here is a summary of her activity so far.

Sent to governor 261
Vetoed by governor 59
Signed by governor 201

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