AZ GOP Moves To Garner Hispanic Vote

Steve Montenegro [Photo via Facebook]

It has just been announced that the Arizona Republican Party will be launching a Spanish-Language ad to air during the 2024 Copa América Tournament.

This is a welcome and long-overdue move in the opinion of many Hispanic political observers.

In Arizona, Spanish-language media has not been supporters of Republicans. Therefore, Republicans must pay for ads if they want to reach these voters in a positive manner and in sufficient numbers to make a difference.

The Copa América Tournament is a great place to do this because so many Latinos view this event.

The ad is as it should be, a short 30 seconds and narrated in Spanish by a real Latino, Rep. Montenegro. It deals with three key issues that are important to everyone, namely inflation, education freedom, and affordable housing. Here is the short but effective script of the ad:

“In Arizona, we face several challenges.

High prices for food, gasoline, and even for a family home.

High crime in our neighborhoods.

Protecting family rights in deciding what is the best education for their children.

We can do things better.

The Arizona Republican Party is committed to protecting the American Dream.

Together we can do it.

We will achieve a better economy for our families here in Arizona.”

The Latino vote has eluded Republicans for quite some time. The high-water mark was George W. Bush’s share of 44% in 2004, following a respectable 35% in 2000.

But then the Republican share went back down with McCain at 31% in 2008 and Romney at 27% in 2012.

It is worth noting that in 2016, Trump got an anemic 29% of the Hispanic vote, but still did better than Romney before him. Then in 2020, after some Hispanics became aware of all the good Trump had done, he received a better 32%.

There is every reason to believe that if more Hispanics become aware of how good they had it under Trump, they will vote for him in droves, maybe equaling or surpassing Bush’s 44% high mark. Considering the growing number of legal Hispanic voters, this could lead to a near-landslide win for Trump.

This ad does a good job of reminding Hispanics who voted Republican why they did it, and informing others about why they should. That is why this new move by the AZGOP is so important.


  1. Meanwhile, down in the PimaCo GOP nosh pit of midwestern geezers, they’re actively working against Juan Ciscomani. Crazytown!

  2. That’s a pretty good ad. I hope they keep it up.

    I also like (youtube) “Latinos for Donald Trump – Campaign Ad” – I think it sounds better at 1.25x speed.

  3. its really too bad that the immigration issue remained such a ‘sore’ for so many years. My family started in Mexico – From my Grandmothers grand children ; A aviation wing commander, UCLA grad – a Master Gunny Marine – Union leader – a 20 year police officer – a leader / Corporate officer – a Company owner / employer. All from the little lady seamstress from the ranch in Mexico. I’d say a pretty good trade. Living the American dream – no doubt – building the American dream – yup for many many more.. so a ‘very good trade indeed’.

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