Joe’s Reward: Sunday’s Comic

joe biden comic

Jill Biden Draws Backlash After Joe Biden Debate Fiasco: ‘Monster’

First lady Jill Biden drew backlash from conservatives on social media after President Joe Biden’s presidential debate fiasco on Thursday evening, with one X, formerly Twitter, account calling her a “monster.”

During CNN’s debate in Atlanta last night, Biden answered the moderators’ questions with what his administration has currently accomplished and hopes to accomplish in another four years if he’s reelected in November. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump deflected many answers and had little to say about the exact policies he would enact as president. However, the biggest takeaway from the debate was the dismal job Biden did at answering the questions coherently and his overall lackluster presence on stage. A Biden aide, meanwhile, told Newsweek late Thursday night that the president was battling a cold during the debate…

READ MORE — Jill Biden Draws Backlash After Joe Biden Debate Fiasco: ‘Monster’ >>>

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  1. who’s been the president? who’s the president ‘right now’? There may be a significant price to pay for disarray.. exactly what is coming regardless of who wins – we’re already there. Godless nation – Mystery Babblyon – would rather have a battle about killing new born children than helping anything – I remember the phrase “miracle babies” where does the miracle start or end now? When the suction switch is hit to ‘HIGH ON’ and the parts are harvested for … medical enterprise? Since when is that a political party – when the nation turned it’s back on God is that answer.

  2. Even if trump does not have ‘plans’ for the future at least we will have one dont cha think? With brandon and the leftist idiots there will be no future. Just look here in az, what is the future here. more welfare more bs regulations is that what you desire? people like the turd a drunk in office to tell ya that marxism is the true glory to seek? Folks wake up, the left has denied brandons inability to do anything, all ya gotta do is remember falling going up and down stairs/steps, off his bicycle and all the other stuff. The inability to speak coherently, have a complete chain of thought and the list goes on. Trump promised to do thinks for the nation last time but the left cut him off. When things were accomplished and there were some they poo-pood them and then set up kangaroo courts for him and his officials. well we now know that the grandon family is a criminal enterprise involved with bribes drugs and money laundering as well as selling to country out. If you want 4 more years of that then dign up for a vacation in ukrain, or the african horn and your wishes will be complete.

  3. former President Donald Trump deflected many answers and had little to say about the exact policies he would enact as president.
    You mean the policies President Trump gave us in his first term, like, close the border, drill drill drill for our oil! Economic stability, low inflation, allowing for more job creation. Making the rest of the world pay their share, and get their own defense budgets. Exposing the deep state with their bureaucratic taskmasters that are creating policy and skimming and directing funds to go to the election of those who keep them in place. Were you better off then or now? If you say now, chances are you are here illegally.

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