Who are the people at political rallies who cheer and scream in delight at the inanities spouted by their favored political candidate, or who quietly look up at the candidate in adoration, as if they’re seeing the second coming of the Lord?
They come in all political stripes, ages, genders, races, education levels, and socioeconomic classes.
Maybe it’s because women have higher-pitched voices, but the shrill yelling of women dominates the din at the rallies. Could it be that women are just as influenced by power and authority as men are?
Such people can be found at Harris’ rallies. To wit:
Such people also can be found at Trump’s rallies. To wit:
It’s embarrassing to admit, but people of my race and ethnicity were at Mussolini’s rallies:
Russians were at Stalin’s rallies.
This is not to suggest that Harris is the same as Stalin or that Trump is the same as Mussolini. It is to say that bad things can happen when people let their emotions overcome their reason.
That’s true in more than the political realm. Take marriage. One of the most important decisions that a person can make is selecting a spouse. Given that about half of marriages end in divorce, the decision is too often an emotional one not tempered by rational thinking.
Harris is not the same as Stalin, but if her belief in achieving equal outcomes through coerced redistribution and collectivism is ever taken to the extreme, a Stalin could be the result, along with the most unequal outcomes possible, as evidenced by the tens of millions who died by starvation and in gulags under communism.
Trump is not the same as Mussolini, but if his populism and demagoguery are ever taken to the extreme, a Mussolini could be the result. After all, Mussolini wanted to return Italy to the glories of the Roman Empire. His slogan could’ve been: Make Italy Great Again, or MIGA.
Loyalists on both sides won’t admit it, but both Harris and Trump say a lot of jabberwocky at their rallies.
At least Harris, as a leftist Democrat, is predictable in the nonsense she spouts. She’s going to say that making people dependent on the government is good for them and society, that the government can set prices better than markets can, that she and Joe didn’t let millions of migrants cross the border, that there are no negative consequences to the millions of migrants in any event, that going easy on criminals reduces crime, that replacing dads with the government is good for families and neighborhoods, and so on.
Trump, on the other hand, as an ideological whatever, is unpredictable in the nonsense he spouts. For example, he claimed at a recent rally that he’ll cut electricity prices by half within a year of taking office. Also, within 100 days, he’ll cut prescription prices and the cost of car insurance and homeowner’s insurance. And borrowing a page from the Democrat vote-buying playbook, he won’t tax tipped income or Social Security benefits. After he’s done with that, he’ll part the sea and turn water to wine.
Meanwhile, neither candidate mentions that the Social Security trust fund is running out of money, that today’s level of deficit spending is unsustainable, and that the current national debt of $35 trillion and the projected growth in the debt are a curse on future generations and a threat to the future security and prosperity of the nation.
If either candidate were to say that, I’d cheer and scream in adoration.
When he’s not cheering at a rally, Mr. Cantoni can be reached at craigcantoni@gmail.com.
The author’s comparisons are dependent on the voters being equally uninformed, without curiosity or concern. But he’s wrong. Somewhere along the way he lost his ability to question and distill the facts from fiction. In late 2020 the Trump administration had achieved the lowering of insulin and more but the effective date happened after Biden Harris came to office. The present administration has taken credit for the inflation reduction act putting a cap on seniors annual prescription drug costs. While a portion of monies saved in lowering senior medications was to go back into Medicare-the lion’s share of savings went to fund EV rebates and other energy rebates. That’s how Biden Harris robbed the social security general fund, thereby making it more unstable. Face it America is better informed than politicians think.
Mr. Cantoni lost all credibility when he claimed that Trump was “borrowing a page from the Democrat vote-buying playbook, he won’t tax tipped income”
This is false: Harris stole that line from Trump, not the other way around. Perhaps Mr. Cantoni might do just a bit more research before his next article.
I agree with the author. Rally attendees are just sheep. Trumps tend to be worse, wearing ear bandages, Trump dictator shirts and other useless stuff. You’ll never see me at a political rally or protest. Good luck sheep.
Americans have two candidates with recent job performance records.
We don’t need to list the problems this country is currently suffering from. This country is a total disaster under Biden/Harris.
Trump made us great again by making us energy independent That resulted in lower energy costs which boosted our economy. So yes he can cut your electricity bill in half.
He secured the border. Wages were higher.
Every one benefited. He made peace with all nations.
He did the things that they said couldn’t be done. They hate him because he’s not a member of their corruption “club”.
There is no good reason to vote for Harris. Or any democrat for that matter.
I am so pissed that both of them picked VP candidates that move their parties even farther apart. Again leaving the majority middle out and us with a “Least of Evils” ballot.
I ams seriously considering a write-in of Pat Paulsen or Alfred E. Neuman. At this point, either one would do better…
Stop being lukewarm and pick a side already
Mr. Cantoni, What an absolutely worthless article. A true piece of dung. Big shock that politicians aren’t Jesus but we we have to vote for one of the BS’ers. I will vote for the one who stands for NOT murdering babies, mutilating children, or importing illegal voters and criminals. The candidate that will represent the best interests of normal citizens in this country is all that matters.
Frank B, well said, it’s not that hard to decide between the two when considering the points you’ve layed out.
Hear! Hear! Frank! Btw none of these candidates is any good at communicating! It sucks! I vote for Life, free speech and the ability to take my own damn risks! I’m sick and tired of govt always wanting to protect and ‘help’. I’m voting Trump!
it’s humans running it on their own – God has been pushed aside – ‘we don’t need him’ – running rampant on both sides of the fence. The price that will be paid for this… ‘the end’ as it was in the time of Noah.. we are seeing now. Its not just here.. the UK is threatening the US – the EU joining that march. Won’t be long now.. God Bless America… an America that is rapidly becoming “Mystery Babblyon” – does not bode well for the future of the nation. A time that evil will thrive.. but not for long.
Wait. I listened to the conversation between Trump and Musk and the unsustainable government spending was a big part of that conversation. Just pointing out a fact that the author fails to mention.
Intrinsic haters parrot the propaganda of their masters and those people stated it stared late and was long 😂😂😂
It’s only human nature to get excited over the prospect of a strong candidate when enduring four years of weakness and decay. And yes, we women are just as attracted to power as are men. Maybe even more so, as we have so little of our own.