The Facets Of The Democrats Who Claim To Be More Educated


When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
They are blessed to be decent and supremely talented,
And expected to be moral and primely civilized.
Reproductive cruelty and progressive inhumanity are instead being embraced,
To be their savage but profitable weapons.
The sacred unborn babies are wretched, wrenched, winched and terminated,
Deprived them of equally enjoying the unalienable human rights,
That all lives are self-evidently endowed.

When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
They willfully undermine the rule of law being the social bedrock,
Reduced to being the global laughingstock.
Looting, torching and tearing the law and order into infernal chaos.
Who has to pay for the devastating costs?
Communities collapse and the residents are left in shocking awe.
Streets are filthy, the homeless are haunting and businesses are gone.
Catch and release without judicial punishments become the new justice norm.

When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
The public schools of the socialist characteristics are bureaucratically incorporated,
Deliberately failing half of the students, not able to read and do math,
As their annual boasting accomplishment and promoting path.
And demand more funding and bonds for the wasteful budget,
By design to repeat the same failing movement.
Quality of education is excluded from the woke culture plan of action,
Parents deserve to ponder what the heck is their children’s learning mission.

When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
The elitist supremacists despise the backbone deplorable with foul labels.
The journalists are recruited for the leftist agenda as enlisted mouthpieces,
To be the army of spinning influencers and sugar-coating campaigners.
The premier-brand media outlets have been sold with deep discounts,
Suiting up for assisted fact-checking as the new censorship.
Truths and facts are swamped by fake news and disinformation.
Believers and followers become the new era of media slaves.

When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
Sleeping upwards and stolen valor are their unwritten caliber of merit.
Sugar Baby and Sugar Daddy are tied to be the running mates.
Their virtue is touting the double-double decorations of the White House,
With sleepy decency of habitual pedophilia and theft,
And the cackling joy of political obscenity and vulgarity.
“If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”,
Reminiscing the indelible ethos of owning slaves.

When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
The one-day election is extended to one-month-long loophole plot,
Opening for planning systematic fraud.
The value of integrity to them is boxes of fake ballots.
If they still can’t win,
They will fetch the dead voters and after-mid-night Biden Curve.
The paranoid accusation of voter suppression is their stereotypical racist prejudice,
When an ID is required almost everywhere for its breaching consequence.

When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
They make themselves rich to super rich.
Affluence is not proportional to corresponding responsibility and equivalent competency.
The wastrels like to disrespectfully waste the taxpayer’s money,
Leaving the unfortunate people in abysmal poverty.
They have a foxy malevolent propensity to create poisonous policies.
Arrogant deficiency in empathy has failed economically disadvantageous families,
From coast to coast, city to city, community to community.

When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
They are more prone to worshiping authorities, celebrities and media agencies,
Being physically free but mental liberty is not consciously guaranteed,
Lining themselves for the modern era of implicit mental slavery.
They loathe their hate against the Christianity,
Spurning God preaches love, kindness and forgiveness,
Decaying the societal structure everyone lives in fear.
The line of legality retreats as criminality proceeds.

When the Democrats claim to be more educated,
They build a sturdy shielding great wall gated,
Safeguarding their palatial houses from being invaded.
Open the border to welcome the criminal illegal aliens,
To rob, to rape, to assault, to eat pets.
They are exploitative of the aliens for cheap labor,
Replacing American workers and shoving them in despair.
The labor drain leaves those countries shabby in a nightmare.

When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
Entitlement is an egoistic cognition coupled to the wastrels.
They blow a gigantic thirty-five trillion dollar bubble,
Recreating the huge Titanic of yesterday once more.
Borrow more with an empty account in the bank.
They resort to coaxing votes with baits rather than reviving the Rust Belt.
Downtown business centers and ghettos are a good pair of distressed neighbors.
The bona fide malevolence is disguised in the benevolence of the policymakers.

When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
They make fun of the joyful talking points:
The joy of stealing the election,
The joy of Americans suffering from inflation,
The joy of American paychecks never being able to meet the end.
The media weaving sugarcoating clothing is the new fashion trend.
Liars lie in their routine oration like telling illusionary fiction.
The integrity of unity is discredited in disintegration.

When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
The tyranny of elites is their engraved temperament.
When the leftists are bestially deceiving,
American babies are dying.
When the socialists are maliciously indoctrinating,
American students are failing.
When the mouthpieces are relentlessly fooling,
American families are struggling.

How many more lies will they continue to tell?
How many more lives will they intend to kill?
How many more kids will they instill to fail?
How many more crimes will they abet to commit?
How many more elections will they plot to steal?
How many more debts will they borrow to spill?
How many more stores will they encourage to loot?
How many more communities will they fuel to ignite?

When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
They pay the media to cover up their lies.
When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
Hypocrisy needs a face mask to help them hide.
When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
The fault of morality is a flaw to justify their shame.
When the Democrats claim they are more educated,
Money is the ultimate motivation that they can claim.

The threat to democracy is the Democrats,
Creating loopholes for stealing the election.
The threat to journalism is journalists,
Turning themselves into partisan mouthpieces.
The threat to the Constitution is the government,
Abusing power with institutional corruption.
The threat to freedom is the three-letter agencies,
Weaponizing themselves to enforce censorship.