Arizona Corporation Commission Approves Remedy Order Against Frontier Communications

911 dispatch

Last week, the Arizona Corporation Commission approved a Remedy Order for the beleaguered Frontier Communications. The Order includes a plan or improvements after a lengthy period of sporadic 911 and other service outages in Frontier’s service territory.

An amendment was adopted that included several recommendations from St. Johns’ Police Chief Lance Spivey which added provisions to the Remedy Order.

Remedy Order for Citizens Telecommunications of the White Mountains, Citizens Utilities Rural Company, Navajo Communications Company, and Frontier Communications of the Southwest (collectively Frontier) provisions:

  • Frontier to interconnect with ADOA and Comtech’s system within 60 days
  • Frontier to file an emergency response plan with the Commission and all public safety agencies and the state 911 office within Frontier’s service territory
  • Frontier is to actively pursue state and federal funds to use for redundancy and network improvements
  • Frontier to provide bi-weekly update to the Commission and all public safety agencies within its service territory on its progress in applying for and/or receiving state and federal funds
  • Frontier to attend a Town Hall event in St. Johns, which occurred on July 7, 2022, all representatives from Frontier present will be included in the docket
  • Frontier to identify areas in its network where redundancy and diversity is lacking
  • Frontier is to provide a hierarchy of priorities for the vulnerable areas in its service territory
  • Frontier is to provide estimated budget, capital improvement plan, and customer bill impact analysis for improvements and upgrades to its network
  • Frontier is to make all improvements and upgrades reasonable and necessary to achieve redundancy in its network
  • Frontier is to keep the Commission apprised of all violations and investigations
  • Frontier is to submit financial records for independent financial audit to the Commission
  • Enforcement provisions are included should Frontier fail to comply
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