Gunnigle Concedes Maricopa County Attorney Race To Mitchell

Julie Gunnigle [Screen shot from YouTube]

Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell declared victory over her Democratic challenger, Julie Gunnigle, in a simple Monday morning message: “Thank you, Maricopa County!”

The magnanimous Mitchell did not fare nearly as well in Gunnigle’s concession message that was issued later in the afternoon.

“This isn’t the result we were hoping for because what it means is a continuation of the legacy of corruption within the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. Maricopa County residents deserve better.” said the bitter Gunnigle, who went on to thank her supporters. “The change we need won’t happen this year, but we aren’t deterred. We vow to keep our eye on this office and, along with community, continue to demand better for all people in Maricopa County.”

Gunnigle, who campaigned on a liberal platform that was lambasted for its lack of support for law enforcement and its advocacy for criminals, was unable to capture voter support the way other statewide Democratic candidates did in Maricopa County. She clearly recognized that by trailing 48% to Mitchell’s 52%, she had no path to victory.

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