Arizona Game And Fish Commission Names Gowan Advocate Of The Year

Jim Goughnour, Chair of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission and Senator David Gowan.

The Arizona Game and Fish Commission has named Arizona State Senator David Gowan “Advocate of the Year.”

The Commission chose Sen. Gowan for his “strong” advocacy of the “outdoors and recreation in Arizona, supporting the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) budget and enhanced funding for the department’s drought mitigation efforts.”

The Commission noted that Sen. Gowan sponsored legislation supporting the effort to make donated tags available to children whose veteran, peace officer or firefighter parents were killed in the line of duty.

“Senator Gowan is a key Arizona Senate member. His role on the Senate Appropriations Committee was instrumental in getting wildlife conservation related legislation approved for several years. Approval of SB1170 in support of veterans, police and firefighters was a huge accomplishment during the last session,” said Jim Goughnour, Chair of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. “Senator Gowan provided key leadership in the legislature approving the debt payment of the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System. Gowan has been and remains a strong advocate for the Arizona Game and Fish Department, and the Commission appreciates his many contributions.”

According to the Commission, “the Senator served as a key negotiator amending language of a bill to reduce license fees by up to 25% for disabled veterans. The 2022 55th Arizona legislative session was one of the most successful and beneficial for the Arizona Game and Fish Department due in large part to the Senator’s contributions.”

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