Kari Lake’s “Coward” Attack on Mark Lamb Garners Strong Reaction

Kari Lake

Last week’s GOP US Senate debate between Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb and former TV News Anchor Kari Lake got heated when Lake accused the Sheriff of being a “coward.” Lake, whose life since the 2022 campaign, and whose campaign for US Senate, has largely focused on claims that she lost the 2022 gubernatorial race due to election fraud, accused Lamb of being a coward for not sharing her view and using the power of his office to advance her goals.

For his part, Sheriff Lamb has responded by accusing Lake of slapping the “face of every man and woman who wears a badge and uniform and upholds our laws.”

Lamb says Lake’s “coward” comment “shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how our justice system works.”

“Those of us in law enforcement deal with bullies like her and much worse every day. No one gets special treatment. Not even Kari Lake. I get it. Kari Lake is upset that she lost her election. It’s time she takes some personal responsibility for losing an election she was supposed to win.” said Lamb.

“While I personally didn’t allow her comment to upset me, as I’ve been called worse, it’s obvious that Kari Lake thinks our justice system and laws exist to benefit her, without regard to evidence or facts,” said Lamb. “I took an oath of office to support and defend the U.S. Constitution and uphold law and justice. I have to deal with facts, not opinions or feelings.”

According to Lamb, he has “received numerous calls and texts from supporters stating that they were appalled by Kari Lake’s comment that I am a “coward” for not doing her bidding regarding the 2022 election results.”

Lamb said that he “encouraged individuals regardless of political party affiliation to bring solid evidence of election violations to me, so that the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office could investigate and potentially prosecute these bad actors, ” but that Lake never “presented anything to me indicating widespread material evidence of fraud.”

“Kari’s use of the word “coward” is a slap in the face to every man and woman that upholds our laws and wears a badge and uniform. Her blatant disregard for the rule of law is not what Arizonans would expect someone running for the United States Senate to ever say, especially during what was supposed to be a civilized political discussion,” explained Lamb.

In a press release on the subject, Lamb noted that Lake is suffering from a 55 percent negative approval rating and points out that his polling numbers are significantly better than Lake’s.

“If anyone was wondering why Kari Lake was ducking debates with Mark Lamb, this debate answered those questions.” said one consultant who is watching this AZ Senate race from afar. “Not only is she still a broken record on claiming her election was stolen, even as she watches her own poll numbers crater, but she won’t stop presenting herself as bitter and mean, while (Democrat nominee Ruben) Gallego is out there campaigning as a war hero. It is political suicide.”

The consultant did indicate that he thought Lake would still win the primary based solely on her endorsement from former President Donald Trump.

In fact, Pinal County was one of very few counties where real investigations took place concerning serious issues with the 2022 General Election. An investigation was conducted by county officials and on Dec. 7th of 2022, Pinal County Attorney Kent Volkmer and other election officials took part in a phone call with then Secretary of State Katie Hobbs’ office to report obvious ballot tabulation discrepancies compared to the Nov. 21 canvass.

It was through Pinal County’s investigation that Republican candidate for Attorney General, Abe Hamadeh, narrowed his margin behind now Attorney General Kris Mayes to a mere 280 votes, with thousands left uncounted across the state. Gains made by Lake at the same time did little to dent the much larger lead held by Katie Hobbs.

The scandal grew larger when it was revealed that it was Hobbs who kept the results of the investigation quiet and neither the investigation report nor its existence was made known to Hamadeh or the Mohave County judge preparing for the evidentiary trial in the Attorney General election challenge.

Hamadeh eventually lost that challenge, but it continues to wind its way through the appellate system.

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  1. Why didn’t Lamb investigate election fraud?

    Isn’t that what Sheriffs do?


  2. Regardless of whether Lamb or Lake win the nomination, I personally think Arizona is too far gone politically this upcoming election cycle. The AZGOP is still fractured, (even establishment backed candidates like Flake didn’t bother running again and Senator McSally lost twice), the Dems march lockstep regardless of who is in office, and with a tight voting margins it will always favor Dems who just have better ground game. The AZGOP didn’t even have offices open on weekends during the election, so I had trouble getting registered voters any help or guidance when I was canvassing in 2022. Nevermind that I haven’t seen much security done for the loose voting procedures that this State allows. I don’t even think Trump will be able to win AZ this year.

    • Why can’t Republicans agree to support the nominee? Although I may vote for Lake, I would certainly vote for Lamb should he win the nomination. Why can’t the McCainites and never-Trumpers [but I repeat myself] agree to vote for Lake if she wins? Is it really that hard?

  3. This division at this late hour guarantees that Gallego will win. Case closed!

  4. Just got through watching that forum. Both candidates did well and I think Lamb would make a top-notch governor, replacing a recalled Hobbs. In the near future, I see state governments as more important than federal government. Lamb’s regard for the Constitution would serve Arizona better here than in Washington. JMHO.

  5. Lamb is my Sheriff. He is a law enforcement officer. Lake is a news reader. As much as I don’t want to lose the county sheriff, I cannot support Lake’s amateur treatment of the party political process. She claims to be running for Senate when she is not. She is running for nomination to run for Senate. It is politically reprehensible that she has jumped that stage. In reality not so fast.

  6. The GOP needs to dump Lake! She’s never been in touch with reality. The GOP will lose this election again because of this crap.

  7. I will vote for Mark Lamb in the primaries as he is the more honorable candidate out of the two. However, if Lake beats Lamb, I will hold my nose and vote for Lake. It would be a hell of a lot better having Lake representing Arizona in the Senate than some crackpot Socialist whose whole campaign is based upon his service as a US Marine. How can anyone go through the rigors of Military training and experience and come out as a traitor to their nation in the end? It’s mind-boggling!

  8. I’ve heard both of them speak in person. Lake talks the talk, but Sheriff Lamb walks the walk. He has personally dealt with crime and border security. He will make a much better Senator.

  9. not to sure about her, but about him no doubt – he lowered himself to bottom feeder carp – oh she should have defended herself it her fault for loss… come on LAMB ba ba baaa BS! Your the law then, do something beside position yourself for the next race. That ‘rece’ decision was easy ‘count them all – again’ by hand. Win or loose – problem solved.

  10. Kari Lake continues to spiral out of control with her vile behavior and victim mentality.
    Arizonans want a STRONG United States Senator to represent them, not a whiny woman that has sold her soul to the Washington establishment.
    Kari has surrendered on every issue and flip flops on the issues that she has grifted on for the past three years.
    Karma is coming for her with her current election and defamation suit (which she surrendered to all of the charges of being dishonest).
    Sheriff Mark Lamb is a PROVEN twice elected leader with the REQUIRED experience to fight for Arizonans in Washington.
    Kari’s NEGATIVE 55% approval rating with Arizona voters supports the FACT that she is unelectable to ANY office.
    “If” Kari Lake is the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Arizona, she will destroy President Trump’s chances of winning Arizona (again) and potentially the Presidency (again).
    Kari’s insult too Sheriff Lamb that he is a coward sounds a lot like Hillary Clinton’s “Deplorable” statement to all Republicans in 2016.

  11. Agree, agree, agree! All of the above statements are spot on! When are WE the people going to get going and do something! Call the RNC and tell them to work for the constituents! The RNC may not even read ADI so someone needs to inform them!

  12. Well any respect I had for Lake just went out the window. Mark Lamb is anything but a coward, not just because he wears a badge, but because he has the intestinal fortitude to speak the truth regardless of whether it’s politically correct or not. Arizona would be wise to send him to Phoenix in November.

    • I’m thinking the same thing. Lamb has more experience as an administrator. My concern is preventing the leftist Gallego from representing Arizona. The 2022 election in Maricopa was messed up. No way to tell if 17,000 that could have voted for Keri walked away from voting. Whoever, ordered the wrong paper, or didn’t check the machines should be moved to the sanitation department.

  13. I do think that Kari got the raw end of the election. No doubt about it. However, I think that she definitely messed up by calling Sheriff Lamb a coward. Those things, you cant take back.

  14. I was going to vote for Kari but after her coward remark I’ve switched to Lamb.

  15. Trump is for Lake. Nuff said. Stop this biased anti-Trump spin. Next you’ll be praising “Thumbs down” McCain.

  16. Well said Sheriff Lamb! It’s time for a real Republican to be come the next Senator from Arizona!

  17. are yall tired of her yet? why do the azgop keep supporting these losing candidates? this is getting real old watching the azgop hand election after election over to the minority party because they isolate the independent voters who make up more than 1/3 of our voting block,get behind lamb and oust lake,where the heck is the rmc and some support for az? wtf is going on in this state?

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