Know This: Donald Trump Is The Tip Of The Spear

Future historians will probably conclude the Post WW2, American Imperial Deep-State Era began in Dallas, Texas on an early Friday afternoon in November 1963.

From that point forward a whole host of developments occurred;  wars in faraway places for generally nebulous reasons, an expansion of the Warfare-Welfare State (guns AND butter), deliberate debt creation & monetary inflation as national policy, etc. etc. etc.

And yet, an occasional voice of clarity would arise by people like Ronald Reagan & Barry Goldwater, who’d originally ask, from outside the DC Beltway, “is this really where we want to go with this thing?”  And then go on to achieve some kind of (no small) notable accomplishment of ending the Cold War.

Pay attention here: I said ‘ending’, not ‘winning’ (Reagan always made that point clear).

But the war mongers in DC are still not satisfied.  They ignored Reagan’s “ending”.  Just like they ignored Eisenhower.

Fast forward to today:  the ‘Deep-State’ inside the Beltway, created by a strangely rushed 1947 bill Truman just “had to sign” in his airplane, parked at the end of National Airport’s runway, …knows that Donald Trump has their number.

In his own tough-guy, braggadocios, status-seeking NYC way, Donald Trump is also asking, “Is this really where we want to go with this thing?”  He’s sending a message to the Deep-state;  do they want another Cold War?

Really, that’s what this is all about…another Cold War.

The D/S says, “but this time we can manage it so much better”…Right.  Our A-bombs are smaller and literally have a “Dial-a-Yield” feature.  [Look at those vids of the recent Beirut explosion, my sources says that could easily resemble a mini-nuke.]

And we have hypersonic (HS) missiles that are so fast & stealthy, belligerent parties only get about 3-5 minutes warning.   But never fear: the US just (thumped its chest) slipped-out with a mach-20 HS that blasts the resisting outside airflow with its own cavitating plasma-type bubble.  Such-a-deal!

Can you say “destabilizing”?

Underneath Trump’s “I carry my own dumpster fire” approach, is his message: the warfare-welfare ethos is destroying America.  But you cannot unilaterally disarm either. And you cannot let your working classes & innovators suffer on the false altar of globalism.

This is why I give the Trumpster the “Tip of the Spear” Award for the period 2016-2020.  Whether he wins or loses this year, let us hope for a new geostrategic recognition among our elites …for peace.

They’d be stupid to underestimate the public’s growing awareness of the Deep State’s white collar coup against him.  JFK got the working man’s version.

 Sellers is a South Park Republican who lives in incorporated Oro Valley.  His background is federal tech-transfer commercialization. He is on Facebook.  


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