School Board Books: Sunday’s Comic

Anti-Mask Activists Shutdown School Board Meetings, Prompt Symbolic Election

About 200 people showed up Tuesday night at the Vail School District’s governing board meeting to support ending a mandatory mask policy for staff, volunteers, and 13,500 students, but the meeting was cancelled when the crowd exceeded the building’s occupancy limit, and most attendees refused to abide by the district’s mask-wearing and social distancing policies.

In response, some in the crowd began a rallying cry to elect a new board, which was then undertaken right in the lobby of the Vail Education Center. Participants stated they were conducting the new election “per Robert’s Rules of Order” after which the “new board” voted to kill any mask mandate, much to the delight of the crowd.

Three attorneys told Arizona Daily Independent any such “election” was obviously only symbolic, as it violated Arizona’s open meeting laws and the state’s elections laws. However, many of the meeting attendees later shared videos of the event and described the vote as if they believed a true and lawful election had just occurred…

READ MORE — Anti-Mask Activists Shutdown School Board Meetings, Prompt Symbolic Election >>

chris kingMasksparentsvail school board