Carlos Balsas, a former professor in the ASU Urban and Environmental Planning Department, tried to blow up the Liberty Bell according to the Huffington Post.
The Post reports that Balsas, age 41, refused to have his backpack checked before entering the Liberty Bell Center in Philadelphia, when security guards asked to examine it. He told them, “I have explosives in there.”
Balsas, a Tempe resident, then walked away while the guards notified U.S. Park Rangers and circulated a description of Balsas, according to the Post. Authorities apprehended him moments later, following a brief struggle.
According to, Philadelphia police detectives and members of the Police Department’s bomb squad arrived, along with agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Park rangers stopped all pedestrian and vehicle traffic on Market Street between 7th and 8th during the investigation.
Bomb squads found no explosives.
Balsas charged with making bomb threats and terroristic threats, reckless endangerment and related offenses, according to the Post.
On students described Balsas as someone who “Doesn’t actually teach, just lets class argue about stuff without ever making a point of it.” One student warned others, “If you can take this course with a different teacher, do so.”
Overall he was judged as a “Poor Quality” teacher, but offered an “easy class.” One student who took his class in 2010 posted, “If you want to pass the class and u r a lady u just have to show up your **** and If not Good luck, work hard and don’t be intimidated.”