Miller tackles Pima County status quo, women call for new leadership

By Rebecca Jones, Registered Republican

Republican Pima County Supervisor Ally Miller has recently been under a vicious assault from the establishment/old school wing of the Republican party for her votes and appearances on talk radio. More specifically, “Miller Time” with James T. Harris on 104.1 FM, during which she discusses major issues facing the county along with results of votes taken each week, appears to garner the ire of the good old boys/establishment folks. Since there is no reporting from traditional establishment media, talk radio, along with the online publication called The Arizona Daily Independent, have become the most trusted sources for folks wanting to hear the truth.

As a Registered Republican woman, I am appalled by the shenanigans going on in our county and within the party leadership.

Yet, another testament to the need for new leaders – we have the embarrassment of Senate Majority Leader John Boehner calling for Republican men to “learn how to speak to women.” Are you kidding me? I know many wonderful Republican men who don’t act in this manner, and this is an insult to all of them. However, I believe Mr. Boehner is clearly referring to the Republican leadership, and I ask you to consider the following:

If our leadership hasn’t progressed beyond the point where the House majority leader is holding sensitivity classes aimed at teaching Republican men to communicate with women…well, let’s just say “Houston we have a problem.”

Here is an example of a recent experience by Miller as an elected Republican woman:

Arizona State Republican National Committeeman, Mr. Bruce Ash, advertised on his Facebook page what can best be described as a hate-filled rant by a fringe character (with a Saturday radio show) directed at Miller and every other individual in this community, who has ever questioned the status quo.

One wonders why the establishment would object to transparency. Isn’t that the battle cry we hear from our Republican leadership? Yet, somehow we always fall short, don’t we? We fail to win elections, and we fail to hold our elected officials accountable.

Chaos ensues and the ending failure comes as no surprise to the good old boy establishment wing, who perpetuate the chaos in the first place.

Simply stated: The establishment/good old boys wish to maintain the status quo. Period…end of story. Things are good for them while the taxpayers watch their world fall apart around them. The roads are crumbling, businesses such as Raytheon are continually sued, and new businesses are assaulted with years of red tape, lawsuits and fees. This means one thing…increasing taxes to continue with the status quo.

It is time we asked ourselves, “Is it not time for new leadership?” This means from top to bottom. It is time we understand electing the same people to public office, as well as those we elect to lead the Republican party, are not performing in the best interest of the community.

They have failed us miserably year after year…yet, we keep electing them. What does that say about us? When will we stand up and support Republican Supervisor Ally Miller and all the other individuals in this community who are trying to save it for future generations?

The current leadership is comprised of a laundry list of recycled names on all the same boards and commissions. It is time we cleaned them out and new leaders need to come to the table.

It is time for business leaders – not self-serving committees, which spend taxpayer money on annual boondoggles and drunken parties that accomplish nothing other than some back slapping and handing out shiny trophies.

About Letter to the Editor 171 Articles
Under the leadership of Editor in Chief Huey Freeman, the Editorial Board of the Arizona Daily Independent offers readers an opportunity to comment on current events and the pressing issues of the day. Occasionally, the Board weighs-in on issues of concern for the residents of Arizona and the US.