Army Vice Chief of Staff says A-10 is a “game changer”

At a Senate Armed Services Readiness Subcommittee hearing today, U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) highlighted feedback she heard last weekend from U.S. Special Forces personnel in Afghanistan who credited the A-10’s capabilities as being critical in close-contact settings with enemy forces. Ayotte met with U.S. service members in Afghanistan during a congressional delegation mission last weekend.

“The feedback I was getting repeatedly on the ground from the guys that are really taking the fire every day for us, was that this airframe is important,” said Ayotte, who serves as Ranking Member of the Readiness Subcommittee.

General John Campbell, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, who has commanded troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and also commanded the 101st Airborne Division, also praised the airframe during his testimony today.

“Commanding the 101st in RC-East [in Afghanistan] we had A-10 capability come in and provide close air support to our soldiers in very bad terrain. What I think the soldiers on the ground, both the special operators and conventional forces, would tell you it’s a game changer,” he said. “It’s ugly, it’s loud, but when it comes in…it just makes a difference, and so it would be a game changer.”

Senator Ayotte has led the fight against the Pentagon’s plan to prematurely retire the A-10 before a replacement aircraft achieves full operational capability, which would create a close air support capability gap that could endanger the lives of our troops in future conflicts.

Friday, Arizona Senator Jeff Flake is sending a member of his staff to meet with the public at 10:00 a.m. at the Tubac Library, A-10 supporters are encouraging the public to attend and demand that the senator co-sponsor Ayotte’s legislation that protects the A-10 from the planned mothballing by the Air Force.

Related articles:

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Air Force A-10 plans could cost Tucson up to $480 million annually

Flake drops A-10 bomb on constituents


In Arizona call:

Senator John McCain 202-224-2235 602-952-2410
Senator Jeff Flake 202-224-4521 602-840-1891
Rep Ann Kirkpatrick(D1) 202-225-3361 520-316-0839
Rep Ron Barber(D2) 202-225-2542 520-881-3588
Rep Raul M. Grijalva(D3) 202-225-2435 520-622-6788
Rep Paul A. Gosar(R4) 202-225-2315 480-882-2697
Rep Matt Salmon(R5) 202-225-2635 480-699-8239
Rep David Schweikert(R6) 202-225-2190 480-946-2411
Rep Ed Pastor (D7) 202-225-4065 602-256-0551
Rep Trent Franks (R8) 202-225-4576 202-225-4576
Rep Kyrsten Sinema (D9) 202-225-9888 602-956-2285
A-10AyotteJeff Flake