Pinal Deputy sets record at National Police Shooting Championships

Sergeant Doug Peoble wins 8 National Championship Shooting Titles

Seargent Doug Peoble Champion
Seargent Doug Peoble Champion

On September 10th and 11th, 2014 Pinal County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant Doug Peoble competed in the New Mexico Regional Police Shooting Championships in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He competed in all six competitions, firing a total of 516 rounds. He also competed in a two man team event with a Customs and Border Protection Officer winning 2nd Place overall and winning the individual Expert Division.

Sgt. Peoble also competed in the National Police Shooting Championships (NPSC) from Monday, September 15th through Thursday, September 18th, 2014, also held in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The attendance for the competition was over 200 shooters from all across the country and a few International competitors from Germany and Australia.

Due to Sgt. Peoble’s high scores during the regional shoot he advanced to the Master Class. He competed in all nine of the competitions.

At the conclusion of the NPSC he ranked 4th overall. He was able to secure eight National Championship Titles and one National Record. The following are the National Championship awards he earned;

Distinguished Revolver, scoring 593 out of 600 possible points, Distinguished Auto, scoring 599 out of 600 possible points, NRA Presidents award, scoring 1192 points out of 1200 possible points, Semi Auto Pistol Match 9, scoring 180 points out of 180 possible points, High Scoring Sheriff Deputy 3000 Aggregate, Master Division Grand Champion, High Scoring Sheriff Deputy Grand Champion, and National Record for the Production Semi-Auto Championship. During this competition Sgt. Peoble competed in the 48 round course and set a National Record of 478 points out of 480 possible points.

Sheriff Paul Babeu stated, “Firearms training and proficiency is an essential developed skill for law enforcement officers. In order to best protect our Pinal families, our deputies must be well trained and highly disciplined. Sgt. Peoble’s success not only makes us very proud, he serves as an example for all law enforcement officers.”

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