New truths are visible in the glow of dawns early light but are soon dimmed by the glare of high-noon sunlight of conventional myths Most people want to be where there are no clouds of fear in the sky. Unfortunately, many lose their way in the dense fog of governance ruled by a small clique that is without the wisdom of experience and has no regard for the truth. Hell is an invention of those who refuse to reason and pursue revenge on those who speak the truth. Justice is a tortuous search for truth.
Over eighty years ago a fictional story was written about a little girl who asked, “Why do we kill mockingbirds?” Later it was filmed in the movie “To Kill a Mockingbird.” A small town lawyer portrayed by movie star Gregory Peck fought a greater injustice.
Today a great injustice robs our economy of our national wealth. A noisy minority of thoughtless shadow elitists are making war on private enterprise. They are stealing people’s retirement savings that provide the investment capital that funds private enterprise. Their battle cry is to say “NO” to new mines, pipelines, real estate development and anything else that provides an economic engine for the local community and our nation. They ignore the truth that technology is the “Mother of Creativity and the Father of Progress” that brings wealth to the people by fostering high-paying employment.
Their ideology arms them with a black banner flag with white letters: “ We Save the Environment.” Fear is their weapon of choice. Misinformation is their ammunition. Their battlefield is a desert and they allege that there is no way to enhance or protect the aquifer from economic and urban growth. The casualties of their warfare are the victims of wild animal predators introduced into public and urban habitats.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that Arizona has a distressed economy. The old adage that when you start to pull the feathers from the Golden Goose of free enterprise, it will not just hiss, it will fly away to a location where it will not be harassed.
There is a new light of truth in the dawn’s early glow. A recent study by the English consulting firm SNL Metals and Mining entitled “Permitting, Economic Value and Mining in the United States” prepared for the National Mining Association has some very interesting facts. As much as “one half” of an ore body’s earning capacity is stolen by delays in our U.S. permitting processes. Our U.S. enterprises must endure eight to ten years of nonsense created by the not-for-profit public interest groups who are economic terrorists. Canada and Australia, with stronger environmental and safety requirements, limit the permitting process to two years. Arizona needs to push-back and challenge the clouds of fear and fog of inept governance.