Why I don’t Trust My Government

It started with the criminalization of the United States Government under the Obama administration. It started with the misuse of the $787 billion stimulus bill that failed to produce jobs or put people back to work.

It continued with the Obama administration’s green energy investments to Democrat run solar and wind companies that left taxpayers on the hook for more than $2 billion in losses. The Energy Department considered the program to be successful.

The Obama administration knowingly lied to the American people when it said if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan. Obamacare was never about health care. It was about controlling the people, forcing them to purchase a product they didn’t want and forcing them to see a doctor they didn’t want to see. It was an overt totalitarian act

The criminalization of the Justice Department under Eric Holder was an egregious act. The Holder actually tried to charge Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case but could not find any evidence. The Justice Department actually attempted to stir up resident resentment in Florida but failed. Why the Justice Department lies? It was a DOJ black on Hispanic racist attack.

The Justice Department attempted to frame Officer Darren Wilson for shooting Michael Brown, a thief and thug if there ever was one. It did not matter that the shooting was legal. Why the Justice Department lies? It was a DOJ black on white racist attack.

The Obama administration’s Internal Revenue Service attacked conservative groups seeking non-profit status under section 503 of the IRS code. Some groups still haven’t had the applications approved.  Lois Lerner was behind this unlawful conduct but neither the IRS nor the Justice Department investigated the crimes. Lerner quickly retired on a healthy pension. The Internal Revenue Service violated the Constitutional rights of conservative applicants.

The Obama administration fabricated a story about Benghazi, which Susan Rice peddled on the Sunday morning talk shows. Even Hillary Clinton admitted in an email to her daughter that the fabricated video story was false, that the Benghazi attack was planned and executed. The Obama administration knowingly lied to the American people.

The Justice Department tried to railroad six officers for the alleged murder of Freddie Gray.  Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, a Democrat, had the court rule against her. The first three officers were acquitted.  Her office dropped the charges against the other three officers. This is a classic example of DOJ black on blue hate crimes.

Democrats have abused the power of government. The expansion of the Patriot Act, originally designed to capture foreign telephone calls to America from foreigners, was expanded to spy on all Americans all the time by the Obama administration. Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks have proved this fact.  Obama criminalized the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency. Obama shredded the United States Constitution’s Fourth Amendment knowingly and willingly.

The Obama administration not only violated the law it also defied the orders of federal judges. As Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, wrote: “In the hidden transition, its [the radical left] authority figures had high jacked the law and every political office they held to pursue their ideological agenda. The left has used its vast cultural power to manufacture a consensus that was slowly transitioning the country from American values to its values and agendas.”

Today, Americans are increasingly distrustful of our institutions. The trend accelerated under the Obama administration. From a high in 2001 of approximately 55%, fewer than 20% of Americans trusted their government at the end of 2015. A Gallup poll in 2016 found that only 6 percent of Americans trusted government as represented by Congress. The Obama administration is fully responsible for this loss of trust in government.

Now that the Democrats have lost the Congress and the presidency, “The left responded to democratic defeats by retreating deeper into undemocratic institutions, whether it was the bureaucracy [deep state] or the corporate media [the far left propaganda arms], while doubling down on its political radicalism. It is now openly defying the outcome of a national election using a coalition of bureaucrats, corporations, unelected officials, celebrities and reporters that are based out of its cultural and political enclaves [Daniel Greenfield].”

We already know that the Obama administration tried to interfere in the Israeli election to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu using hundreds of thousands of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money. Now we are mired in a spectacle where the Obama administration got caught illegally using U.S. spy agencies to spy on Donald Trump and his campaign team. Democrats are naturally denying it but their nature is serial lying.  Susan Rice, within a space of two weeks, denied having any knowledge then admitted to engaging in spying on Trump and his team.  Where is the FISA warrant to make these acts of espionage legal?

As long as the radical left progressives and socialists openly warfare with the United States Government, promote the lunacy of sanctuary cities and states, and rely on their evil ideology rather than the Constitution and the laws of this country, we are in a state of war with the radical left. Daniel Greenfield called it a civil war.

The Democratic Party is now the largest organized criminal cartel in the country. It has embedded its members deep in government bureaucracies. They need to be found and removed. What the Democratic Party has done is commit treason against the American people. It is now a question as to whether the United States Constitution survives or the totalitarian ideology of the left survives.

May God Bless America.

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