Arizona School Districts A-C Lead In Drinking Water Screening, Results

[UPDATED 7/3/2017] Arizona School Districts A-C Lead In Drinking Water Screening Results – Agua Fria Union High SD – Crown King Elementary District

District School Number
Result Above Screening Level Number of Samples
Above 15 PPB
Number of Drinking Water
Samples Above 15 PPB
ADEQ Recommended Corrective
Agua Fria Union High School District Agua Fria High School 40 Y 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Agua Fria Union High School District Desert Edge High School 12 N None
Agua Fria Union High School District Millennium High School 28 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Agua Fria Union High School District Verrado High School 11 N None
Ajo Unified District Ajo School 23 N None
Alhambra Elementary District Alhambra Traditional School 18 N None
Alhambra Elementary District Andalucia Middle School 21 Y 4 4 Shut off water to drinking waterfixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Alhambra Elementary District Barcelona Middle School 41 Y 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elementary District Carol G. Peck Elementary 8 N None
Alhambra Elementary District Catalina Ventura School 34 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elementary District Cordova Middle School 26 Y 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Alhambra Elementary District Cordova Primary School 12 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elementary District Granada East School 42 Y 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alhambra Elementary District Granada Primary School 13 N None
Alhambra Elementary District James W. Rice Primary School 3 N None
Alhambra Elementary District Montebello School 4 N None
Alhambra Elementary District R E Simpson School 36 N None
Alhambra Elementary District Sevilla Primary 3 N None
Alhambra Elementary District Sevilla West 20 Y 1 Shut off water to building E
Alhambra Elementary District Westwood Primary School 10 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Alpine Elementary District Alpine Elementary School 7 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Altar Valley Elementary District Altar Valley Middle School 11 N None
Altar Valley Elementary District Robles Elementary 2 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Amphitheater Unified District Amphitheater High School 20 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Amphitheater Middle School 24 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Canyon Del Oro High School 31 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Amphitheater Unified District Copper Creek Elementary School 9 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Coronado K-8 School 21 N None
Amphitheater Unified District E C Nash School 12 N None
Amphitheater Unified District El Hogar De La Paz (formerly Graphics and Printing) 4 Y 1 Post sign at non-drinking water fixture
Amphitheater Unified District Frances Owen Holaway Elementary School 12 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Helen Keeling Elementary School 10 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Ironwood Ridge High School 7 N None
Amphitheater Unified District L M Prince School 4 N None
Amphitheater Unified District La Cima Middle School 6 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Lawrence W Cross Middle School 19 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Lulu Walker School 12 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Marion Donaldson Elementary School 17 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Amphitheater Unified District Mesa Verde Elementary School 18 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Painted Sky Elementary 9 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Richard B Wilson Jr School N N None
Amphitheater Unified District Rillito Center 5 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Rio Vista Elementary School 10 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Wetmore Center 6 N None
Amphitheater Unified District Winifred Harelson Elementary School 13 N None
Apache Elementary District Apache Elementary School 2 N None
Apache Junction Unified District Apache Junction High School 17 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Apache Junction Unified District Desert Shadows Middle School 10 N None
Apache Junction Unified District Desert Vista Elementary School 7 N None
Apache Junction Unified District Four Peaks Elementary School 5 N None
Apache Junction Unified District Mountain Shadows Education Center (formerly Desert Shadows Annex) 6 N None
Apache Junction Unified District Peralta Trail Elementary School 5 N None
Arlington Elementary District Arlington Elementary School 2 N None
Ash Fork Unified District Ash Fork High School 3 N None
Avondale Elementary District Avondale Middle School 15 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Avondale Elementary District Centerra Mirage 9 N None
Avondale Elementary District Copper Trails 1 N None
Avondale Elementary District Desert Star School 7 N None
Avondale Elementary District Desert Thunder 5 N None
Avondale Elementary District Eliseo C. Felix (formerly Pioneer School) 21 N None
Avondale Elementary District Lattie Coor School 12 N None
Avondale Elementary District Michael Anderson (formerly Avondale Elementary School) 7 N None
Avondale Elementary District STAR Academy (formerly Avondale Pre-School) 6 N None
Avondale Elementary District Wildflower School 14 N None
Bagdad Unified District Bagdad Elementary and High School 16 Y 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Balsz Elementary District Balsz School 21 N None
Balsz Elementary District Brunson-Lee Elementary 3 N None
Balsz Elementary District David Crockett School 13 N None
Balsz Elementary District Griffith Elementary School 31 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Balsz Elementary District Orangedale Elementary School 20 N None
Benson Unified District Benson High School 24 N None
Benson Unified District Benson Middle School 15 N None
Benson Unified District Benson Primary School 11 N None
Bicentennial Union High School District Salome High School 11 N None
Bisbee Unified District Bisbee High School 21 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Bisbee Unified District Greenway Primary School 10 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Bisbee Unified District Lowell Junior High School 4 N None
Blue Elementary District Blue Elementary School 2 N None
Blue Ridge Unified District Blue Ridge Elementary School 9 N None
Blue Ridge Unified District Blue Ridge High School 17 Y 3 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Blue Ridge Unified District Blue Ridge Intermediate School (formerly Middle School) 4 Y 2 1 Shut off water to old board room
Blue Ridge Unified District Blue Ridge Jr High School 5 N None
Bowie Unified District Bowie Elementary School 2 N None
Bowie Unified District Bowie High School 24 Y 1 Non-drinking water fixture, post sign not to drink the water.
Buckeye Elementary District Bales Elementary 2 N None
Buckeye Elementary District Buckeye Elementary School 10 N None
Buckeye Elementary District Inca Elementary 1 N None
Buckeye Elementary District Steven R. Jasinski Elementary 2 N None
Buckeye Elementary District Sundance Elementary 2 N None
Buckeye Elementary District Westpark 1 N None
Buckeye Union High School District Buckeye Learning Center 2 N None
Buckeye Union High School District Buckeye Union High School 18 N None
Buckeye Union High School District Estrella Foothills High School 12 N None
Buckeye Union High School District Youngker High School 7 N None
Bullhead City Elementary District Bullhead City Jr High School 7 N None
Bullhead City Elementary District Coyote Canyon School 11 Y 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Bullhead City Elementary District Desert Valley Elementary 7 N None
Bullhead City Elementary District Diamondback Elementary School 10 N None
Bullhead City Elementary District Fox Creek Junior High School 7 N None
Bullhead City Elementary District Sunrise Elementary 8 N None
Canon Elementary District Canon Elementary School 6 N None
Cartwright Elementary District Atkinson Middle School 3 N None
Cartwright Elementary District Bret Tarver Elementary School 1 N None
Cartwright Elementary District Byron A Barry Elementary School 16 Y 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Cartwright Elementary District Cartwright Elementary School 18 N None
Cartwright Elementary District Cartwright Preschool & Gifted Center 23 Y 6 3 flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
Cartwright Elementary District Charles W Harris Elementary School 13 N None
Cartwright Elementary District Desert Sands Middle School 21 N None
Cartwright Elementary District Estrella Middle School 7 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elementary District Flor del Sol 4 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elementary District Frank Borman Middle School 15 N None
Cartwright Elementary District G Frank Davidson 6 N None
Cartwright Elementary District Glenn L Downs School 11 N None
Cartwright Elementary District Heatherbrae Elementary School 20 Y 5 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixtures
Cartwright Elementary District Holiday Park Elementary School 25 N None
Cartwright Elementary District John F Long School 12 Y 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elementary District Justine Spitalny Elementary School 16 N None
Cartwright Elementary District Manuel Pena Elementary 4 N None
Cartwright Elementary District Palm Lane Elementary School 25 Y 4 4 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elementary District Peralta Elementary School 10 Y 3 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Cartwright Elementary District Raul H Castro Middle School 1 N None
Cartwright Elementary District Starlight Park School 26 Y 5 5 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
Cartwright Elementary District Sunset School 14 N None
Cartwright Elementary District Tomahawk Elementary School 18 Y 9 9 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixtures above 15 PPB. Shut of drinking water fixtures above 50 PPB.
Casa Grande Elementary District Cactus Middle School 5 N None
Casa Grande Elementary District Casa Grande Middle School (formerly Junior High School) 31 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Casa Grande Elementary District Cholla Elementary School 3 N None
Casa Grande Elementary District Cottonwood Elementary School 3 N None
Casa Grande Elementary District Desert Willow Elementary 1 N None
Casa Grande Elementary District Early Childhood Learning Center 1 N None
Casa Grande Elementary District Evergreen Elementary School 13 N None
Casa Grande Elementary District Ironwood School 2 N None
Casa Grande Elementary District McCartney Ranch 1 N None
Casa Grande Elementary District Mesquite Elementary School 1 N None
Casa Grande Elementary District Palo Verde School 12 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Casa Grande Elementary District Saguaro Elementary School 6 Y 1 1 Drinking water shut off to building. Building scheduled for demolition in Summer 2017
Casa Grande Elementary District Villago Middle School 5 N None
Casa Grande Union High School District Casa Grande Union High School 12 N None
Casa Grande Union High School District Desert Winds (formerly Casa Grande Alternative School) 4 N None
Casa Grande Union High School District Vista Grande High School 7 N None
Catalina Foothills Unified District Canyon View Elementary School 21 N None
Catalina Foothills Unified District Catalina Foothills High School 21 N None
Catalina Foothills Unified District Esperero Canyon Middle School 7 N None
Catalina Foothills Unified District Manzanita School 15 N None
Catalina Foothills Unified District Orange Grove Middle School 23 Y 1 Put sign on non-drinking water source recommended
Catalina Foothills Unified District Sunrise Drive Elementary School 21 N None
Catalina Foothills Unified District Valley View Early Learning Center 1 N None
Catalina Foothills Unified District Ventana Vista Elementary School 13 N None
Cave Creek Unified District Black Mountain Elementary (formerly Sonoran Trails Middle School) 10 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Cave Creek Unified District Cactus Shadows High School 11 N None
Cave Creek Unified District Cave Creek Learning Center (formerly Black Mountain Elementary School)
Cave Creek Unified District Desert Sun Elementary 7 N None
Cave Creek Unified District Desert Willow Elementary 4 N None
Cave Creek Unified District Fine Arts Center – Cactus Shadows 1 N None
Cave Creek Unified District Horseshoe Trails 6 N None
Cave Creek Unified District Lone Mountain Elementary 5 N None
Cave Creek Unified District Sonoran Trails Middle School 6 N None
Cedar Unified District Jeddito School
Chandler Unified District Anna Marie Jacobson Elementary School 10 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Chandler Unified District Arizona College Prep – Erie Campus (formerly Erie Elementary School) 8 N None
Chandler Unified District Arizona College Prep – Oakland Campus (formerly Chandler Traditional JH) 14 N None
Chandler Unified District Auxier Elementary 1 N None
Chandler Unified District Basha Elementary 1 N None
Chandler Unified District Basha High School 12 N None
Chandler Unified District Bogle Junior High School 8 N None
Chandler Unified District Camille Casteel High School 1 N None
Chandler Unified District Central Kitchen 1 N None
Chandler Unified District Chandler CARE Center 1 N None
Chandler Unified District Chandler High School 21 Y 2 All high results at non drinking water fixtures/post signs at fixtures
Chandler Unified District Charlotte Patterson Elementary 1 N None
Chandler Unified District Clifford J Goodman Elementary School 10 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Chandler Unified District Dr Howard K Conley Elementary School 6 N None
Chandler Unified District Freedom Campus (formerly Chandler Traditional Academy) 2 N None
Chandler Unified District Frye Elementary School 4 N None
Chandler Unified District Galveston Elementary School 14 N None
Chandler Unified District Haley Elementary 1 N None
Chandler Unified District Hamilton High School 6 N None
Chandler Unified District Hartford Elementary School 14 N None
Chandler Unified District Independence Campus 1 N None
Chandler Unified District Instructional Resource Center 1 N None
Chandler Unified District Ira A. Fulton 1 N None
Chandler Unified District Jane D. Hull Elementary 2 N None
Chandler Unified District John and Carol Carlson Elementary 1 N None
Chandler Unified District John M Andersen Elementary School 14 N None
Chandler Unified District John M Andersen Jr High School 9 Y 5 All high results at non drinking water fixtures/post signs at fixtures
Chandler Unified District Ken (Chief) Hill Learning Academy 1 N None
Chandler Unified District Knox Elementary School 1 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Chandler Unified District Liberty Campus 2 N None
Chandler Unified District Marshall Humphrey II Elementary School 14 N None
Chandler Unified District Navarrete Elementary 6 N None
Chandler Unified District Perry High School 11 N None
Chandler Unified District Riggs 1 N None
Chandler Unified District Robert & J Danell Tarwater Elementary School 6 N None
Chandler Unified District Rudy G Bologna Elementary School 6 N None
Chandler Unified District Ryan Elementary 6 N None
Chandler Unified District San Marcos (Denver) Elementary School 10 Y 2 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Chandler Unified District Sanborn Elementary School 6 N None
Chandler Unified District Santan Elementary (formerly part of Santan K-8) 6 N None
Chandler Unified District Santan Junior High (formerly Santan K-8) 5 N None
Chandler Unified District Shumway Elementary School 14 N None
Chandler Unified District T. Dale Hancock 5 N None
Chandler Unified District Weinberg Elementary School 15 N None
Chandler Unified District Willie and Coy Payne 5 N None
Chandler Unified District Willis Junior High School 23 N None
Chinle Unified District Canyon DeChelly Elementary (formerly Chinle Primary School)
Chinle Unified District Chinle Elementary School 4 Y 1
Chinle Unified District Chinle High School 21 Y 2
Chinle Unified District Chinle Junior High School 8 N None
Chinle Unified District Many Farms Elementary School 9 N None
Chinle Unified District Mesa View Elementary School 1 N None
Chinle Unified District Tsaile Elementary School 7 Y 1
Chino Valley Unified District Territorial Early Childhood Center 5 N None
Clarkdale-Jerome Elementary District Clarkdale-Jerome Elementary School 18 Y 2 2 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Coconino Accommodation District Ponderosa High School 1 N None
Coconino Accommodation District Tse Yaato High School 1 N None
Colorado City Unified District Cottonwood Elementary School (formerly Colorado City Elementary) 4 N None
Colorado City Unified District El Capitan High School (formerly Colorado City High School) 2 N None
Colorado River Union High School District Mohave High School 13 N None
Colorado River Union High School District River Valley High School
Concho Elementary District Concho Elementary School 11 N None
Congress Elementary District Congress Elementary School 1 N None
Continental Elementary District Continental Elementary School 7 N None
Coolidge Unified District Coolidge High School 17 N None
Coolidge Unified District Heartland Ranch 3 N None
Coolidge Unified District Hohokam Middle School 4 N None
Coolidge Unified District McCray Elementary School (formerly McCray Junior High School) 4 N None
Coolidge Unified District West Elementary School 15 Y 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Cottonwood-Oak Creek Elementary District Cottonwood Elementary School 13 N None
Cottonwood-Oak Creek Elementary District Cottonwood Middle School 12 N None
Cottonwood-Oak Creek Elementary District Mountain View Preparatory School 5 N None
Cottonwood-Oak Creek Elementary District Traditional Learning Center 4 N None
Crane Elementary District Centennial Middle School 3 N None
Crane Elementary District Crane Middle School 3 Y 1 Flushing recommended at non-drinking water fixture
Crane Elementary District Gary A. Knox Elementary 3 N None
Crane Elementary District Gowan Science Academy 2 N None
Crane Elementary District H L Suverkrup Elementary School 3 N None
Crane Elementary District Mesquite Elementary 3 N None
Crane Elementary District Pueblo Elementary School 3 N None
Crane Elementary District Rancho Viejo Elementary School 4 N None
Crane Elementary District Ronald Reagan Fundamental School 3 N None
Crane Elementary District Salida Del Sol Elementary 3 N None
Crane Elementary District Valley Horizon Elementary School 3 N None
Creighton Elementary District Biltmore Preparatory Academy (formerly Squaw Peak Elementary School) 30 Y 1 1 Shut off water to drinking water fixture
Creighton Elementary District Creighton Elementary School 25 Y 7 5 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Creighton Elementary District Excelencia School 4 N None
Creighton Elementary District Gateway School 11 N None
Creighton Elementary District Larry C Kennedy School 20 Y 1 1 Flushing recommended at drinking water fixture
Creighton Elementary District Loma Linda Elementary School 48 Y 3 3 Shut off water to drinking water fixture above 50ppb, flushing for drinking water fixture below 50ppb
Creighton Elementary District Monte Vista Elementary School 4 N None
Creighton Elementary District Papago School 4 N None
Creighton Elementary District William T Machan Elementary School 15 N None
Crown King Elementary District Crown King Elementary School 2 N None
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