Earlier this week, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson took heat for speculating that Senator John McCain’s battle with brain cancer might have been a factor in his bizarre vote against the “skinny” Obamacare repeal bill last month. Members of the public now think Johnson might have been on target after McCain announced his “strategy” for continuing the unpopular war in Afghanistan.
McCain filed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that offers a “new strategy for success for the ongoing war in Afghanistan.”
McCain, who is referred to as “Arizona’s Senior Senator (ASS)” on Seeingredaz.com, a popular Republican website, was critical of President Donald Trump in his Afghanistan announcement. McCain claims “America’s national security interests in Afghanistan is a decision of the highest importance, one that should be subjected to rigorous scrutiny and debate within our government.”
Trump has been reluctant to support a new troop surge in the war that has dragged on for nine years.
White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon tweeted “Even Barack Obama saw through John McCain’s hypocrisy” along with a video of then-Senator Barack Obama debating McCain in 2008. In the video Obama states, “Senator McCain suggests that somehow, you know, I’m green behind the ears and, you know, I’m just spouting off, and he’s somber and responsible. Senator McCain, this is the guy who sang, “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran,” who called for the annihilation of North Korea. That I don’t think is an example of speaking softly. This is the person who, after we had — we hadn’t even finished Afghanistan, where he said, “Next up, Baghdad.”
The McCain family turned up at a Diamondbacks game on Thursday night. The empty seats surrounding the clan drew attention. One Arizona resident tweeted in response: “No one wants to hang with him in AZ. We’re too well aware of his level of betrayal.”
Having fun at the @Dbacks game with @MeghanMcCain & @cindymccain – let’s go #Dbacks! pic.twitter.com/S8YOuJcyKH
— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) August 11, 2017