Sinema Expected To Run Against Flake

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema has confirmed that she is considering a run against Sen. Jeff Flake. With one of the lowest approval ratings in the country, Flake is seen as an easy target

Currently Deedra Abboud is the only declared candidate for the Democratic Party. State Rep. Dr. Randy Friese is also considering joining the race, but his anti-gun stance and support from Big Pharma would not go over well in Arizona’s rural areas.

Unlike Flake, Sinema has not been critical of Republicans for the most part. A centrist, Sinema has been willing to work with Republican members of the Arizona Congressional delegation.

Flake is currently facing only Dr. Kelli Ward in the Republican Primary. Ward is popular with a small but vocal faction of the Arizona GOP. Ward received a reported $300,000 committment from Trump mega-donor Robert Mercer earlier this month. The pledge was viewed by many only as a shot across Flake’s bow. Ward’s frequent missteps have caused Arizona Republicans to call on State Treasurer Jeff DeWit, who served the chief operating officer for Trump’s presidential campaign, to take on Flake.

Jeff Flakekrysten sinema