Gosar Mom Liked Paul Best: Sunday’s Comic

From Seeingredaz.com:

AZ US Rep. Paul Gosar’s siblings from hell

Congressman’s dysfunctional siblings campaign for liberal challenger

When it comes to having strong conservative values, there are few who meet the test as does Arizona’s 4th Congressional District U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar. The dentist who went to Washington in 2011 is well respected, not only among the Republicans in his district, but those throughout the state. Scroll down to the bottom of his bio link above to see the many high ratings he has earned.

Deplorably Paul Gosar has been set upon by 6 of his 10 siblings who are urging support of his Democrat challenger. They give new meaning to the “own kin” portion of these words of Jesus cited in Mark 6:4: “A prophet is not without honor, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.”

Among the 10 kids in his family there are 7 Democrats (six of whom appear in the ad shilling for his Democrat opponent), 2 Republicans and 1 Independent.

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