Elections For Dummies: Sunday’s Comic

Fraud occuring at the GOP District level
Posted by Arizona Freedom Alliance

We once hoped that all of the fraud in elections would be happening by the democrats. Hope fades when we get reports of what is happening in so many of our GOP Precinct Committeemen (PCs) legislative districts. For you who don’t understand the way this works, the state is divided into legislative districts for the purpose of electing officials to represent the district on behalf of the voters. Included in that is elections for GOP and DNC party officers within the district plus State Committeemen who will go to the annual GOP/DNC State Meetings to elect those who will run the GOP/DNC in Arizona. For the GOP, this is an important election as we have reported on many times before. McCain purged precinct committeemen out of many districts because they were too conservative. He needed his own people in those positions to be sure they elected only his people to run the party in Arizona and that is what has happened for way too long. We saw the results of that in clear view this election when the AZGOP did nothing to help Republicans get elected in state races…. except for Gov. Duecy…..

To read more —
Fraud occuring at the GOP District level — click here

Jonathan Linestj shope