Largest Group Of Illegal Aliens Enters Yuma Sector

On Monday, a migrant group of more than 400 people crossed into the United States at a point east of San Luis, Ariz.

This is the largest group to illegally cross in recent years within the Yuma Border Patrol Sector, located in Arizona’s southwest region.

Agents are transporting and processing the individuals, according to the Arizona Sheriff’s Association.

In addition to Monday’s invasion, 199 illegal aliens were also apprehended on Sunday. Another 53 illegal border crossers were taken into custody in the Yuma Sector on Saturday, after 187 were apprehended on Friday.

Last week, the Southwestern Border Sheriff’s Coalition called for a secure border in response to President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address and his demand for a border wall. The Coalition, which includes members from Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and California, advised that “many portions of our border with Mexico are not secure in any meaningful way.”

Related article: Southwest Sheriffs: “We Must Secure Our Southern Border With Mexico”

The Coalition warned that “we simply do not know who is coming across our border. We know there are bad actors from hostile nations that wish us harm. This is not a political statement, but rather a factual one. The lack of border security can be leveraged by those wishing us harm to come into our country undetected. The lack of border security is an undeniable national security concern.”

arizona sheriffs associationillegal aliensyuma sector