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Former Grijalva staffer misses court hearing, launched unprovoked attack on Trump supporter

Editor’s Note: Grijalva’s office reports that Zaroes Brito is not currently a staff member.

TUCSON — Judge Gus Aragon’s downtown Tucson courtroom was filled to capacity Monday for a hearing in the trial of Daniel Zaroes Brito, who was arrested on robbery charges Nov. 3 for attacking Jonathan Sparks for urging people to vote Republican in the midterm election.

Grand Jury testimony was provided to Judge Aragon regarding the attack of Jonathan Sparks on 4th Avenue in front of witnesses.

Both sides agreed that Sparks was attacked from behind as he wore a Make America Great Again hat and held a pro-Republican sign, Vote Jobs not Mobs – Vote Republican, in downtown Tucson.

The hat was grabbed from Sparks from behind and when he tried to retrieve it Sparks was thrown to the ground by his assailant, 42-year-old Daniel Zaroes Brito, a (former) Legislative Assistant to U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Tucson, in Washington, D.C…

To read more — Former Grijalva staffer misses court hearing, launched unprovoked attack on Trump supporter >>

Daniel Zaroes BritoGrijalvaJonathan SparksZaroes Brito