Over 200 Illegal Aliens Surrender Near Sasabe

TUCSON – Over a five hour period on Saturday night, five separate groups of mostly family units surrendered to U.S. Border Patrol agents near Sasabe, Arizona. Groups of family units have shifted from entering west of Lukeville to now surrendering in the Sasabe area.

According to U.S. Customs and Border patrol (CBP), the groups were comprised of nationals from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua and ranged in age from six months to 56 years old. The largest group totaled 129 illegal aliens.

CBP says that the groups are consistent with current Tucson Sector trends.

In October, 2019, Tucson Sector apprehended a total of 6,352 individuals. 2,968 of those were in family groups or were unaccompanied children who surrendered to agents.

Border Patrol agentsfamily unitsSasabe