Glendale Democrat Mayoral Candidate’s Unique Fundraising Pitch During Virus Pandemic

Glendale, AZ – Follow her social media accounts, and Democrat candidate for Glendale Mayor Michelle Robertson offers up a steady stream of criticism of the city’s Mayor Jerry Weiers.  No matter how Weiers reacts to the threat of the coronavirus, Robertson declares his efforts insufficient and potentially deadly for city residents.

But click on her website’s Contact Page and you will get an entirely different message.

Want to call the campaign?  She provides the phone number, but would prefer that you come by in person.  And yes, she’s open every day.

Still, it is her unique fundraising pitch that seems the most out of place in today’s world.

That’s right, for just $20 you can have a walking tour of Glendale, along with time to enjoy lunch and shopping as well.  The lunch is To-Go we assume, and shopping opportunities are limited on account of the stay-home orders the city is under, but if you live in Glendale, Arizona and you’re going stir-crazy at home, why not order up an afternoon out and about with a lady who isn’t just your tour guide, she wants to be your next Mayor!

Just bring your own mask, there is no indication that any will be provided for your $20.

Editor’s Note: Bill Scheel, who identified himself as a member of Robertson’s campaign, reached out to the ADI with the claim that, “The “pitch” was inadvertently posted to the “front end” of the website during the construction of the website. This was only meant for the “back end” of the website to test functionality of the site.”

CoronavirusGlendale MayorMaricopa County Superintendent of Schools campaignMayor Jerry WeiersMichelle RobertsonRobertsonWeiers