The purpose of this article is to provide a quick reference to some of my articles dealing with climate so that you can cite facts to counter the ongoing scam.
Climate has been constantly changing for billions of years and will continue to do so no matter what human do or don’t do. The major current controversy is that carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels will adversely affect global climate. However, there is no physical evidence to support that claim.
The climate system consists of the sun acting upon two turbulent fluids, the atmosphere and the oceans. This is a coupled, non-linear chaotic system consisting of many variables. The notion that just one variable, carbon dioxide, which comprises just 0.04% of the atmosphere, is the major controlling factor, is absurd.
About evidence:
Computer modeling is speculation, not physical evidence. Output from computer modeling of the climate diverges widely from observations because input assumptions are wrong.
Correlation does not prove causation, but it may be suggestive. Still, correlation is not physical evidence.
Consensus is merely opinion, not physical evidence. Remember back in the 1970s the scientific consensus was that Earth was about to enter another glacial epoch.
Here are some reference articles: (click on titles to read the article)
A Simple Question for Climate Alarmists
“What physical evidence supports the contention that carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels are the principal cause of global warming since 1970?”
Evidence that CO2 emissions do not intensify the greenhouse effect
The “greenhouse” hypothesis fails on four major predictions probably because it ignores convective heat transfer.
The Broken Greenhouse – why CO2 is a minor player in global climate
The “greenhouse effect” does exist but water vapor is the major greenhouse gas.
Carbon dioxide is responsible for only seven percent of the greenhouse effect
New Study shows that impact of carbon dioxide rising to 700 ppm is about 0.5°C
What keeps Earth warm – the greenhouse effect or something else?
It’s the gravity of the planet and density of the atmosphere. We have a practical demonstration of this in the Grand Canyon. An examination of the relationship between temperature and carbon dioxide
This shows that carbon dioxide has never been a controlling factor no matter what time scale is considered. The 97 percent consensus of human caused climate change debunked again
On Consensus in Science: Consensus is “the first refuge of scoundrels:” The Sea Level Scam
Tuvalu and other Pacific islands resist sea level rise and add land area
In spite of rising sea level, islands are increasing in land area. It’s all about geology: Carbon dioxide is necessary for life on Earth
This 30-page article reviews all the contentions and evidence about climate change: Climate Change in Perspective