For longtime Republicans who worried a new National Committeeman would mean the end of Arizona’s Committeeman taking shots at other Republicans, no need to worry. Recently elected Arizona National Committeeman Tyler Bowyer fired a direct shot at all four Maricopa County Supervisors by name, accusing them of selling out the GOP in its effort to get an accurate vote count, and warning that all of them would face defeat (at some point.)
Wow! I can’t believe it’s only been a few years since Republicans aided Democrats in Obamacare Medicaid Expansion.
I wonder where are they now?! @ClintLHickman @Steve_Chucri @billgatesaz @jacksellers pic.twitter.com/h61I8mk3R1
— Tyler Bowyer (@conservatyler) November 21, 2020
The tweet calls out by name Supervisors Clint Hickman, Steve Chucri, Bill Gates, and Jack Sellers, each of whom was just re-elected to a new four year term. Sellers and Gates barely won their races and Sellers is not expected to run again in 2024, but Hickman, Gates, and Chucri each are anticipating long political careers still ahead of themselves. Chucri in particular has been positioning himself to run for Congress or Governor, with Governor being the most likely campaign.
Needless to say, their votes this year, combined with Chucri’s support for amnesty and his opposition to efforts to curb illegal immigration in the past, will be difficult for Chucri to overcome, should he seek any GOP nomination.
The tweet itself featured an older picture of many of the Republican legislators who crossed the GOP caucus to work with Democrats and Republican Governor Jan Brewer to pass the Obamacare Medicaid Expansion. With this year’s defeat of Heather Carter in the August primary and Kate Brophy McGee in the November general election, none of them are in office anymore.
In fairness, other Republicans who were not in that picture, but who betrayed their alleged conservative credentials and promises to their voters by voting for the ObamaCare Expansion are still in the Legislature. The list includes Frank Pratt and his ever-present sidekick, TJ Shope, each of whom won election again in 2020.