Dear Editor,
On January 20, 2022 the Judiciary Committee voted to pass on legislation that would allow for persons with a Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permit to carry their guns on university, college and community college campuses and to transport and store weapons in their vehicles by prohibiting governing bodies of educational institutions from enacting or enforcing any rule or policy to limit them from carrying and storing weapons on campus.
Given that the CCW permit process in this state has no requirement for any proficiency in firing a weapon, there is no public safety benefit in using the holding of such permit as a basis for making a campus more secure.
As a legacy gun violence survivor, Moms Demand Action volunteer, wife of a teacher and mother of two school age children, this dangerous legislation does not make my family feel safer in anyway. Hugs from teachers have stopped more school gun violence than a good guy with a gun. I urge our legislators to vote no on SB1123.
Elizabeth Pickering