Do Dims Need Trump to Hold Their Cynical Rot Together?

President Donald Trump during a rally in Phoenix in 2020. (Photo by Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons)

First and foremost, the modern Democrat, errr….Dimshevik Party (post 1932) was a political machine built with large coalitions.  These included Big Labor, Big Civil Rights, Big Media, Big Welfare, Big Healthcare (new), Big Government Employment, Big Enviro (new), Big Agriculture, Big Education (new), etc, etc.

 Big-Big-Big Everything.  Large coalitions of many like-minded people, supplicating for perhaps 1 or 2 issues–tops, until the 1970’s .

As long as these group “force multipliers” (a term they borrowed from the military) could be assembled and held together by the candy store (i.e. government), the Dims could execute operations as Franklin Roosevelt’s in-house advisor, Harry Hopkins succinctly explained in 1944, to “tax-tax, spend-spend, elect-elect.” 

For 5 decades it worked like a charm.  Lasting until Ronald Reagan came along in 1980, and then that wicked southerner, Newt Gingrich, destroyed their 47 year stranglehold over Congress in 1995.  It began to fall apart like the giant Stalinist construct it really was; by 2022 having accelerated significantly.   Unraveled like a cheap Soviet suit.

With Reagan, those evil Republicans started punching holes into this neat & tidy scheme. The holes got larger & larger as the world radically changed, and more importantly, the various ‘force multipliers’ own core interests began to bitterly conflict with each other.  At first this conflict was managed, keeping all the chummy dinosaurs feeding amicably at the ‘gubbmint’ trough; that did not last.

But one by one, the force multipliers fell away, until the final coup de grâce appeared like a dinosaur-killing asteroid; a.k.a. Donald J. Trump in 2016.  He easily peeled away the last of the large, traditionally Dim force multipliers, i.e. Big Labor, Civil Rights, Small Business, etc., and was willingly aided by tens of millions of Americans disgusted with failures to secure the border, protect the unborn, reform public education, reform healthcare, and cease being the Davos Gang’s international Globo-Cop. 

Trump was effective, way too effective; this could not be allowed to stand.  Little did the Dims realize: Trump just picked their low-hanging fruit, and there was lots of it; still more to be picked.  Even now.

So lazy, clueless Dims went ‘all in’ for an entirely new group of political force multipliers, really crazy & dysfunctional ones: i.e. Woke, Cancel Culture, BLM, Defund-the-Police, CRT, gender confusion, et al.   Pretty much all supplied & fortified by Big Media. 

It came to be known as “identity politics”;  80% was what they were against vs. what they were for (the 20% if they could articulate).  Making lots of noise, all hating Trump with a passion, and eerily reminiscent of Adolph Hitler’s keen 1931 observation that “hatred was the most stable of emotions.”  

Meanwhile, the rest of America, battered by a secretly US-financed foreign pandemic, a colossally mismanaged economy, and a feckless foreign policy, is fleeing the Dim base like rats leaving the proverbial sinking ship.  Judging by its continued attention, Trump Derangement Syndrome has become THE KEY PLANK, aside from abortion, in the Dimshevik strategy to keep their base energized.  That’s it…it really is that simple.   He’s in their heads, occupying space for free, and jumping up & down on the bedsprings.  The Dims got nothing else, except these 2 themes.

See there, Trump was good for something.  Even if he’s an erratic, narcissistic bully from New Yawk Sity.

Sellers is a Southpark Republican living in incorporated Oro Valley; his background is federal technology commercialization


About Bill Sellers 120 Articles
Sellers is a South Park Republican who lives in incorporated Oro Valley. His background is federal tech-transfer commercialization. Contact him at Sellers is also a grad of Clemson's Architecture School and the University of NC School of Business. He was a founding member of the Albuquerque Friday Morning Breakfast Group which elected numerous conservatives. He has lived in the SouthWest & PacNorthWest more than 40 yrs.