Sinema’s Harassers Embraced And Featured By Hobbs In New Ad

A new campaign ad from Democrat Katie Hobbs features a member of an extreme group that advocates defunding the police and abolishing Border Patrol.

Hobbs, the Democratic nominee for Arizona Governor, campaigned with the extreme group Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHAAZ) earlier this month. Now she is doubling down on her association with the group by featuring it prominently in a campaign ad.

LUCHA first stunned moderate Democrats and Republicans earlier this year when one of its paid organizers, Blanca Collazo, attacked Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema. The incident involved Collazo with other activists filming and following Sinema to a public bathroom.

The confrontation occurred at Sinema’s ASU classroom. The open borders supporters demanded that Sinema support President Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda and legislation that would have provided amnesty for illegal migrants.

“Sinema has been completely absent from the Arizona campaign trail when it comes to helping Democrats and this may explain why.” said GOP consultant Constantin Querard, “If Hobbs is going to campaign with groups that tried to physically bully her into voting badly, then Sinema is right to assume that Hobbs would rather have the support of radical groups than her own U.S. Senator.”

Hobbs’ move follows her campaigning with several advocates for defunding the police. The Arizona Police Association called for Hobbs to condemn her supporters’ “Defund the Police” positions.

“Katie Hobbs is openly campaigning with an extreme group that wants to defund the police and abolish Border Patrol. Hobbs’ repeated embrace of defund the police radicals is disqualifying,” said RNC Spokesperson Ben Petersen.

Paid Organizers Illegally Film As They Chase Sinema Into Public Bathroom

blanca collazoconstantin querardkatie hobbsKyrsten SinemaLUCHA