Scottsdale Unified Appears To Hide Transgender Support Plan From Parents

Scottsdale Unified Superintendent Scott Menzel

Despite evidence that Scottsdale Unified School District has and uses a transgender support plan, the district has refused requests for more information leaving parents to wonder once again what SUSD is hiding.

Specifically, documents obtained by the Arizona Daily Independent show that Coronado High School Social Worker Amanda Turner asked Gary Griggs: “Where could I find the transgender support plan at?” Griggs, who is a Scottsdale Online Learning Councilor and Unitown club leader, responded with what appears as confirmation of the plan’s existence, stating “my office … either on desk or in the drawer right next to door.” Griggs also stated “I think the watermark ‘proposal’ drops now if you print.” One additional comment by Griggs that may have pertained to the Scottsdale Unified’s transgender support plan was fully redacted by the district.


Multiple requests for a copy of the transgender support plan have been denied by the Scottsdale Unified district. Public records requests R000901-111322 and R000910-120222  were both closed with a status of  “No Records Exist”, despite clear indications by Griggs and Turner that they not only have transgender support plans, but are sharing them for official district uses.

SUSD has a history of not being completely honest and transparent about public records requests. Earlier this year an Arizona Bar complaint was filed against former SUSD General Counsel, and now Udall Shumway attorney, Lori Bird. The complaint revolved around Bird’s misstatement of material fact by claiming that “No Records Exist” for a records request, only to “discover” over 400 pages of responsive documents when the requestor retained legal counsel.

But why does Scottsdale Unified need a transgender support plan, and how does the district discover which students require a plan? Documents show that Leah Stegman, Chaparral High School Social Worker, coaches SUSD staff on ways to obtain students’ secret gender identities in an effort to be what Stegman calls “inclusive.” Stegman’s suggestions included the use of pronoun surveys and asking for students’ “preferred” first name when taking attendance.



At least two teachers that Arizona Daily Independent is aware of have acted on Stegman’s advice. Chaparral High School English teacher, Jordan Smith, gave her students a “Preferred Name and Pronoun” survey which asked minors to choose their pronouns, a seemingly strange request for a teacher who is charged with teaching the usage and meaning of English words.

Smith also asked students: “How would you like me to use your preferred name and pronouns in front of other adults including your parents?”


When Smith questioned Chaparral High School principal, Joshua Pantier, if she was in trouble for asking children if she should hide their imaginary gender identity from parents, Pantier responded, “You are 100% not in trouble.”


Additionally, Saguaro English teacher, Rebekah Snygg-Carrasco – another English teacher with seemingly no use for the English language – gave her high school students a similar survey in which she asked: “Does your family know about your preferred name?” and “Does your family know about your preferred pronouns?”

A sample of Rebekah Snygg-Carrasco’s survey:


Despite claiming that a transgender support plan does not exist, Scottsdale Unified seems to have a vested interest in promoting gender ideology and controversial sexuality topics in their schools.

Desert Mountain High School’s Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) teacher and librarian, Michelle Schulke, obtained an Identity Hormone Clinic patient intake form via her official SUSD email account raising questions about SUSD’s possible involvement in secretly assisting students in obtaining hormone therapy. Adding to the district’s embarrassment, Shulke’s actions earned SUSD coverage on Libs of TikTok.

Shulke has also ordered a “rainbow library” from GLSEN, an organization that promotes anti-white, anti-police propaganda and offers children a “quick escape” option so the minors can quickly leave their website to avoid parents’ knowledge. Shulke leverages GLSEN content for her sexuality club.

Desert Mountain High School psychology teacher Mackenzie Onofry taught an unapproved sex education lesson in which she told students that only 4% of men were heterosexual.

Additionally, Cocopah Middle School’s Gender Sexuality Alliance teacher, Laynee Langner, accepted a GLSEN Glitter Award by bragging that she allowed 11-13 year-olds to drop their “deadnames” (a.k.a. parent-given names) at school, allegedly without notifying parents.

Griggs himself has aided other SUSD social workers in planning secret sexual orientation lessons for his Unitown and Anytown camps in which students were asked to consider if they just needed a good gay/lesbian lover. Griggs also allows teenage boys to sleep in girls cabins at Unitown camp, if the males claim they are females.

Evidence exists to suggest that Scottsdale Unified Superintendent Scott Menzel supports SUSD staff efforts to promote and hide gender confusion in SUSD students. Consider that Menzel has personally undermined his own daughters in a SUSD communication to staff and board members in which he suggests that his biological daughters are girls merely because they identify as (a.k.a “pretend to be”) girls.

“As the father of two daughters, I am grateful for those who pioneered the way to ensure my children … are … valued for their unique abilities and contributions, rather than being judged based on their gender identity,” wrote Menzel.


A Scottsdale father commented on Menzel’s position on gender ideology: “It baffles me that a father would promote ideologies that have led to the ability for grown men to walk around with their penis out in girls’ locker rooms. We’ve seen it happen elsewhere, that’s where these “inclusive” policies lead, twisted people taking advantage of them.” He continued, “The fact that Scott Menzel cares more about his social justice ideology than the mental and physical safety of his daughters is beyond me.”

“Menzel’s comments – and the district’s use of a secret transgender support plan – are an attack on women’s rights,” commented another parent who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation from the district. ”By his definition of a woman, anyone can choose at any time to be a woman, eroding the protections that biological women have spent the last century fighting for.”

“One day Menzel’s daughters will find out that the man they believed would protect them has in fact fought to undermine the many advancements we have made in women rights,” continued the parent.

When less than 50% of SUSD students graduate proficient in reading and math, parents want to know: Why is so much effort being spent on transgender support plans, pronoun surveys, and promoting the idea that girls can be boys and boys can be girls? Where is the plan to simply educate Scottsdale children?


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