Howie’s Headache: Sunday’s Comic

howie fisher comic

Beyond the Smokescreen: The Crucial Public Interest in Addressing Election Integrity Issues

The narrative woven by partisan political “journalist” Howard Fischer, around Representative Alexander Kolodin’s dual role as a legislator and attorney for GOP attorney general candidate Abe Hamadeh, has missed a crucial point: the paramount importance of resolving voter-facing printer issues before the 2024 general elections. It’s time to cut through the fog of sensationalism and focus on the real issue at hand – ensuring the integrity and smooth functioning of our electoral processes.

Indeed, it appears to be Mr. Fischer, the author of the hit piece, who is engaging in partisan maneuvering. His article appears to be nothing more than an attempt to distract from what the hearing revealed – that Maricopa County’s investigation was not comprehensive, its investigators were not qualified, and the County is not taking adequate steps to reassure voters that this will not happen to them for a fourth time in 2024…

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