AZ Legislature Week In Review – Week Ending March 1, 2024

We are right in the middle of what is intended to be a 100-day legislative session. There was plenty of activity last week, and plenty more scheduled for next week.

In fact, we are having so much activity that the quality of the legislation introduced and passed is experiencing some significant flaws. These are caused by both the excessive number of bills being introduced, and the haste with which these bills are being processed.

All of this was pointed out in a recent AZ Daily Independent article which may be accessed by clicking HERE

Among the bills that advanced this week, we have these:

But a small handful failed. All the bills that failed were the result of not having Republican support. With very few exceptions, Democrats have continued their practice of voting in unison against any bill that does not conform to their Marxist ideals.

Among the bills that failed, the number one example of outrageous behavior by a Republican was SB1010.

SB1010 – vehicle mileage; tracking; tax; prohibitions Aimed at heading off the Soviet-like attempts by some government entities to limit people’s freedom to travel and move as free citizens.

This bill was killed by senator Ken Bennett, by joining Democrats in their NO votes.

It is hard to understand why Bennett would be in favor of the restrictions on freedom that this bill is intended to prevent. It is even harder to understand why Bennett would think that he voted in accordance with the wishes of his constituents.

At AZPEOPLESLOBBYIST.COM, we are keeping track of significant activity involving the bills we are watching. You may check out that activity by going to:

Next week, the activity will revolve mostly around elections and education. All upcoming activity involving the bills we are watching may be seeing by going to our current call-to-action alert, at

In our YouTube channel, we discuss in great detail some of the more significant bills that are scheduled for activity. Those discussions may be viewed at

Make sure that you contact your legislators and let them know your position on the bills and issues that are important to you.

HCR2040hcr2049HCR2056Ken BennettSB1166