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Arizona Doctors Can Perform Abortions In California Under New Law

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation on Thursday that would allow doctors who perform abortions in Arizona to “temporarily” come to the Golden State to do the procedure on Arizonans.

Senate Bill 233 will go into effect right away, and it will allow providers “in good standing to register,” according to a news release.

“Arizona Republicans tried to turn back the clock to 1864 to impose a near-total abortion ban across their state…

READ MORE — Arizona Doctors Can Perform Abortions In California Under New Law >>>

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  1. if not married a better choice would be to keep legs closed thus not needing an abortion! Also birth control is available over the counter but I guess the problem is they would have to pay for them and then remember to take them. I personally feel that if on welfare or whatever its called now, state will support 1 kid if more than 1 then the person should have tubes tied and NO MORE state aid. That is our problem, more kids more $$ to the individual so no need for a father in the mix. Dont want to accept responsibility have fun and then cry about needing an abortion.

  2. new law – practice in California – loss of license in Arizona ; killers choice law

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