Heads-Up Arizona, Anything Coming Out of Tucson is Toxic Liberal Nonsense

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OK Arizona, you’ve had all kinds of real-world object lessons; as a reminder, here’s a short sampler of the most recent & egregious:

● Last 2 University of Arizona Presidents (Hart & Robbins):legacies of scandal, administrative bloat, massive financial malfeasance, sports gambling corruption, etc. etc. etc. in the state’s #1 budget item ($2.5+ billion/yr). And now a clueless, floating target facing the looming tech of university-killing A.I.

● The proposed complex rejiggering of Arizona’s entire primary elections systems, vis-à-vis Prop 140 by uber-liberal plutocrats from Tucson’s SALC, i.e. its 25+ yr. hapless, mutual-admiration society of naïve elites.

● The Biden Administration’s glorious ex-border czar and spectacular, abject failure, Tucson’s Woke ex-police chief, Chris Magnus. Setting the stage for another Tucson entry, Mark Kelly, as VP-in-waiting, who AZ Dims want to breathlessly select, despite deep involvement in a [highly questionable] Chinese spy-tech caper, now unfolding.

● The allowed rural settlement of a 1.1 million population Tucson Metro with ~40% of its urban footprint un-incorporated, inside a 9200 sq. mile desert county and “governed” by an ongoing, political conspiracy (the Grijalva Gang), that sees dim-witted retired Geezers as …“Pluckees” ($$$).

● A 1.1. million population Metro with ZERO Cross-Town Freeways, long ago defeated by hordes of hysterical, argumentative “Hi-IQ Stupid People”, decrying environmental harm, but now confronted with hundreds of times more pollution, delays, and murderous traffic congestion & accidents.

● Its Soros-funded, legal-beagle of Cry-Me-A-River “Justice Equity,” County Attorney Laura Conover; an incompetent woman so breathtakingly malfeasant even the guilt-ridden, wealthy liberal patrons of Tucson’s dark street culture, decided she must go. Unfortunately, Conover survived a big-money campaign; SALC & Co. get another object lesson from the entrenched Left.

● Its nationally headquartered, enviro-legal, shakedown Godzilla of poverty-creation, the Center for Bio-Diversity (CBD).A so-called “nonprofit” creation designed to milk tens of millions $$$ yearly from cowered landowners, miners, utilities, developers, municipalities, etc. for CBD’s proto-mystical, NeoDruid worldview. Tucson’s current Mayor, the angry-diva Regina Romero, is a CBD alumnus.

● A Crazytown, end-of-the-world environmental catastrophe frequently promoted by CBD, their nutty newspaper, and UA grant-seeking ($$$) academics. It acts to prevent AZ’s Land-Grant University (UA) from exploring sustainable water-desal solutions with next door Mexico, also in the same water boat. The tech-transfer potential here is off-the-charts, but we’re told we must conserve, obey water bureaucrats, do without food, and worship Gaia. Hey, let’s bring back the Dark Ages!

● In a beautiful setting, geographically adjacent to all kinds of useful economic, tech, cultural and natural assets, yet so petty, egotistical and argumentative about everything, it has simply failed to climb out of the hole it fell into 33 years ago when the Cold War ended. Yet, Tucson’s “leaders” give it handicap after handicap, and their witless peeps eat it up. They should change their name.

The real tragedy here, aside from all the genuine opportunities to which self-absorbed Tucson turns up its sanctimonious nose, ….is where this is all heading. Not only SALC, but Sun Corridor as well, should take note. “Places with problems get more problems”…it’s a Karmic Law of the Universe.

Sellers is a Southpark, Roosevelt-Republican (TR) living in incorporated Oro Valley; his background is federal technology commercialization

About Bill Sellers 120 Articles
Sellers is a South Park Republican who lives in incorporated Oro Valley. His background is federal tech-transfer commercialization. Contact him at readbill19@usa.net Sellers is also a grad of Clemson's Architecture School and the University of NC School of Business. He was a founding member of the Albuquerque Friday Morning Breakfast Group which elected numerous conservatives. He has lived in the SouthWest & PacNorthWest more than 40 yrs.