Who says TikTok isn’t wholesome?

Jools Lebron reveals the truth

Jools Lebron
Jools Lebron

Being disconnected from pop culture, I have to discover what is popular by accident.

The same for discovering new meanings for such old words as “beauty,” “male,” “female,” and “demure.”

Recently, I discovered Jools Lebron.  Nightmares have been the result ever since.

Who is she?

First, as her looks suggest, she is a former he.  However, she still has XY chromosomes.

If you are as puzzled by that as I am, I’ll let her explain it.

Lebron describes herself as a “plus-size trans woman” and a former drag queen.

She is further described in the pop culture as a makeup artist, beauty influencer, and a TikTok star with tens of millions of followers.

Beauty influencer?

If Bernie Madoff had claimed to be an ethics influencer, that would have been just as contradictory.

One of Lebron’s TikTok videos has been viewed more than 40 million times and has made her famous enough to appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live.  Also, the Washington Post reported that she had been invited to attend the Democrat National Convention but declined due to a conflict.

The video is titled, “How to be demure at work.”  She reportedly explains in the video how she does makeup for work and also how to be “demure, respectful and mindful.”

According to Wikipedia, such celebrities as Jennifer Lopez, Olivia Rodrigo, RuPaul, and Penn Badgley have made social media videos using bits of audio from Lebron’s original videos. Likewise, companies, agencies, brands, and even NASA have used her phraseology in their online marketing and social media posts.  The word “demure” in particular has become very popular.

“Demure” and “demur” have quite different meanings.  Here’s how Merriam-Webster defines “demure” as an adjective:




2: affectedly modest, reserved, or serious : COY

Adverb: demurely

Noun: demureness

Would you refer to Lebron as reserved and modest?   Would you ever characterize a drag queen as demure?

Let’s switch now to “demur.”  Merriam-Webster defines the word as follows:



1: the act or an instance of objecting : PROTEST

2: hesitation (as in doing or accepting) usually based on doubt of the acceptability of something offered or proposed


1: to take exception: OBJECT —often used with to or at

Well, based on the definition immediately above, I demur to the notion that Jools Lebron is a beautiful and demure woman.

Mr. Cantoni, who is neither demure nor beautiful, can be reached at craigcantoni@gmail.com.

About Craig J. Cantoni 51 Articles
Community Activist Craig Cantoni strategizes on ways to make Tucson a better to live, work and play.


  1. Most people fail to see the “real” root of being “Trans.” It has noting to do with sexual preference. Its all a sad and destructive fad.

    It a scientific and medical fact that these people;

    1) Have an underlying mental illness, mostly untreated and;
    2) Have very little ability to be a Productive American in their own skin.

    So these “Do Nothings” then seek power. Along came “Being Trans.” Being Trans gives them and a perceived immediate “one-up” in Life, (as evidenced in the above article).

    Btw, Who’s going to continue to listen to someone who looks like Mr Rachel Levine. He’s uglier a woman than a man. I wonder how if feels to be in a ugly Halloween Costume 365 days a year?

  2. The trans thing this article is about is a he. You said he has XY chromsomes. XY = male. Stop calling him a she.

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