Robson Gets Trump Endorsement For 2026 Arizona Governor Race
It is December of 2024 but Arizona Republicans may already know who their 2026 nominee for Governor will be, after President Donald J. Trump endorsed 2022 runner-up Karrin Taylor Robson for the race, “if she runs.”
“If Karrin Taylor Robson runs for Governor, she has my support!” said Trump from the stage at Turning Point’s AmeriFest event in downtown Phoenix.
READ MORE — Robson Gets Trump Endorsement For 2026 Arizona Governor Race >>>
Trump Endorses AZGOP Chair Swoboda For Re-Election
Boosted by a successful 2024 election, Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Gina Swoboda won the endorsement of President Donald Trump for her run for re-election at the Party’s Convention in January.
The President made his endorsement clear at Turning Point Action’s AMFEST in Phoenix on Sunday…
READ MORE — Trump Endorses AZGOP Chair Swoboda For Re-Election >>>
just like dementia joey
we have to wait out the hobb nobb
IF a BIG IF Az has a republican party it needs to come above ground and make a case for its existence in the state. I have been registered in the state almost 50 years and only time you may hear of a party is at election time. Tey claim they will do whatever and thats about it. I send a few $$ direct to the person not the party as much will be used for useless candidates who do not need to be supported. Candidates need to be seen and heard in ALL COUNTIES not just in east la as is the current policy. With the expected impact of the kalif leaving and moving there is a great fear they will try to bring their politics with them and we could be kalifornicated as a result. Just look at current politicians in office for examples at gov, ag and the rest. When there were a few r’s in govt they did little except for self, ie. down in tucson wakeup was asleep most of time, others ran as r’s got elected then switched to be d’ for reelection purposes yes this is the tucson area but im pretty sure it happens in all counties. I ve spoken with tribal people and they swear on the d’s as they dont like the r’s but have no clue as to why. That may be indicative of the large blue swath on the reservations this past election?
“D”s for the dollars that come to the mailbox for them to intoxicate with…
We are californified already. Too little too late. Robson will finish that process and the Uniparty will be in control again. I will stay out of voting if Robson is nominated. We do not need a Pelosi line n old hack, we need a young and energetic Republican. Trump is getting the wrong advice, again.
Anyone but the Hobbit – Please