The Swamp Really, Really Hates Donald Trump

President Trump wraps up State of the Union address and Speaker Pelosi tears it up.

Remember that old 1960’s advertisement for Roach Motel?  “Roaches go in, they don’t check-out!

Aside from harkening-back to the ‘Golden Age of Marketing Jingles’, it reveals the D.C. Swamp’s opinion of Donald Trump as this political arriviste, a giant orange cockroach from the provinces.  The biggest–baddest one they’ve seen since Andy Jackson, a populist Democrat, who rolled into town from Tennessee in 1829.

If Donald Trump survives the 2020 election he will have ‘checked-out’ of no fewer than 5 of the Swamp’s Roach Motels, unscathed.

I say they were all ‘Roach Motels’ (RM) meant to entrap The Donald; starting with the first clumsy effort, known as the Steele Dossier, which had him taking ‘golden showers’ with Slavic hookers.  Gasp! Russians!  Arizona’s late Senator John McCain’s fingerprints are all over this one, probably why he’s not buried in the state he professed to love so much.

RM#2 was the phony FBI Russia collusion entrapment.  Gasp! More Russians! This sullied the career and destroyed the personal finances of General Michael Flynn.  But the General finally wised-up, and hired a Carolina Bulldog, Sidney Powell, as his lady lawyer.   While the wheels of justice grind slowly, they do grind finely; Flynn is being slowly exonerated from the layers of Swampland deceit.

This leads to RM#3, the “Grand Inquisition”, a.k.a. Impeachment, led by a cast of Keystone Kop lookalikes from the Demsheviks’ studio cloakroom.  Originally a script from a failed Mel Brooks comedy-workover, it simply had too many errors in continuity.   Nobody knew their lines, nobody had accurate information, basic kindergarten-level rules of evidence hung this one out to dry.

At this point, desperation set in.  To the Swamp, Trump might be an orange cockroach, but for populists, he’s emerged as the Rambo of RoachWorld.

So this time the Swamp had to call in the outside experts, and riding to their rescue was the world’s foremost beneficiary of globalization: China.  Let that one sink in.

RM #4 shows up as the Coronavirus pandemic.  Whether intentional or not, things got out of hand just prior to Chinese New Year.  What looks especially troubling is the deliberate Chinese deception with the planet’s supposed watchdog, the World Health Organization.  So no more giant Trump rallies, and absolutely no way would the incredible Trump economy be allowed to continue.  All of this brings us to the present, pre-election RM#5.

RM#5 is the Demsheviks’ old standby, “The Race Card”.  Seizing upon a bad cop’s brutal take-down, and later death, of a black man in one the most liberal cities & states in America, all Hell breaks loose as if it was totally spontaneous.  Except it wasn’t.  Documented vignettes from the rioting & looting that followed have exposed a cynical level of cold, calculated deceit by the Swamp and its masters in the mainstream media.

At this point I’m rather pessimistic about 2020’s outcome; in fact, I’m utterly flabbergasted at the lengths to which the Swamp will go to prohibit Donald Trump from taking the oath of office on January 20th, 2021.  There could still be more.

Dark forces are at work here folks; this is not normal garden-variety political warfare.

 Sellers is a South Park Republican who lives in incorporated Oro Valley.  His background is federal tech-transfer commercialization.  

About Bill Sellers 107 Articles
Sellers is a South Park Republican who lives in incorporated Oro Valley. His background is federal tech-transfer commercialization. Contact him at Sellers is also a grad of Clemson's Architecture School and the University of NC School of Business. He was a founding member of the Albuquerque Friday Morning Breakfast Group which elected numerous conservatives. He has lived in the SouthWest & PacNorthWest more than 40 yrs.