Maricopa County Judge Sets Schedule For Lake Election Challenge

Kari Lake

On Tuesday, a hearing was held in Maricopa County Superior Court in Kari Lake’s lawsuit to overturn the results of the 2022 election.

Judge Peter Thompson has been assigned to the matter. He has been described as a “thoughtful conservative, who will consider the evidence.”
However, lawyers for Hobbs and Maricopa County hope to have the case thrown out before then.

Lake’s evidence has been described as a “mish mash of new accusations and a rehash” of the 2020 election battles, including signatures on mail-in ballot affidavits from the 2020 General Election.

Motions to dismiss must be filed by Thursday, December 15. Lake’s response to the expected motions is due Saturday, December 17. Oral arguments are currently set for Monday, December 19 and a two-day trial is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, December 21-22.


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