Tanger Outlet Mall Shooter Sentenced To Prison

Raul Franco

A teenager who started a gunfight at Tanger Outlet Mall, Raul Franco, was sentenced to 8 years and 10 months in prison, this week.

In March of 2022, Franco shot at a group after a confrontation at the Tanger Outlets in Glendale, Arizona. After Franco initiated gunfire at the group, the group fired back, leaving four people – including three children – shot and hospitalized. The youngest victim included a four-year-old who to this day, suffers from injuries sustained during the shooting.

“Not only did this defendant’s actions harm innocent people, he also caused panic and fear for hundreds who were simply out shopping that day,” said County Attorney Rachel Mitchell. “The irreparable damage left behind cannot be erased. It is my is hope that this sentencing brings closure to those who will never forget that day.”

The sentencing stems from two cases: one by MCAO prosecutors and the other by the Arizona Attorney General’s Office. In the case handled by our office, Franco pleaded guilty to aggravated assault, a class three dangerous felony; and two counts of endangerment, class six dangerous felonies.

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