Arizona Politicos React To Trump Biden Debate

trump biden
Donald Trump | Joe Biden

Arizona’s politicos reacted swiftly on social media to the televised debate between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.

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  1. The reporting of twitter post is getting old, why not write a real story instead of reposting twitter feeds. If I cared about twitter, I’d have a twitter account.

  2. This story is a nothing-burger.
    Politicos will always lie right through their teeth to put a positive spin on party mistakes. Naturally, after Biden’s exposure on national TV, they’re reverting to that. But you can bet there’s a big debate inside the dem faithful about this disaster. I’m just gonna order a big butter popcorn and an extra large Coke® and watch the show. Need to know if it winds up being a comedy or a tragedy.

  3. To be fair, President Biden correctly identified those crossing our border as illegal aliens. I’m surprised the democrats aren’t pitching apoplectic fits over that. Not really! Democrats always ignore their candidates’ statements when they say what the party considers inconvenient truths.

  4. The Democrat Party should bite the bullet, admit they’ve lost this time and pull Biden. Not just replace him at the convention but now, using the 25th Amendment. If they do it now, there is a possibility they can find another candidate to give Trump a run for his money. With Biden, as indicated by his performance last night, he is not mentally fit to be president now, much less 4 more years.

  5. Sad…I’ve taken care of clients similar to Bidens situation! His mental capacity is clearly diminishing daily and his voice weakness follows. Period! Dems need to move fast & stop acting like this will all blow over!

  6. I’ve searched the Constitution for the word abortion and related descriptions but do not find it. Thus the power remains with the States. Amend the Constitution if needed but the federal government has zero authority over it.

    • which is true n’lven – which would you have been if their was a choice for your parents ‘posting’ or * in heaven – I think once God makes them – they are – and now that the aborted pile has risen to the heavens – not to good for those living on the planet – infanticide? or just murder if post birth is allowed? how long till ‘post birth abortions are permitted’ the JEWS know something about that topic – wasn’t that what happen to them ‘post birth’ abortion? Hate the JEWS abort them all??? many still agree with that… Christians too?

  7. the question is ‘who’s the president’? Who’s been the president? its certainly not this old man that doesn’t know is left foot from his right.. It’s to bad this happen now – this gives them time to reorganize with another candidate of unknown ilk. Who’s that? Hilary Clinton? With an opportunity she may bounce in – one candidate I’d rather not have present in the conversation. The “D”s are desperate.. God Bless America!

  8. Biden’s condition has been very obvious for a long time; the Democrats who enabled this debacle are responsible for allowing the debate crescendo of last nights humiliation. The Dems are STILL in denial and will face the music when the POTUS decision on Chevron is tested and the Deep State dismantled.

  9. It is too bad Pres. Biden wasn’t up for the debate. At times he looked blank and confused…. mumbling-stumbling losing his train of thought. If he indeed was sick with a bad cold, he should have refrained from debating, cancelling the debate. But now it is too late, and thus he must face the consequences. This is my opinion posted now!

  10. It is too bad Pres. Biden wasn’t up for the debate. At times he looked blank and confused…. mumbling-stumbling losing his train of thought. If he indeed was sick with a bad cold, he should have refrained from debating, cancelling the debate. But now it is too late, and thus he must face the consequences

  11. The post from the AZ Democratic party must have been written prior to the debate.

  12. Barrett Marson is a RINO loser, quoting him here is an insult to your readers

  13. This is not a joke, it’s a Constitutional Crisis. and China and Russia and Iran were all watching.

  14. Trump will win and if he’s endorsed someone in a race, any non Trump endorsed candidates should drop out after last night.

  15. They say a picture is worth 1000 words. Anyone notice Biden’s blank stares and confusion? The gaslighting dems have no scruples.

  16. Anyone who thinks JoeTato won that debate is taking more drugs than Hunter ever has. His performance was abysmal. The man can’t string together 5 words without stumbling and muttering incoherently.

  17. Well, Joe, it looks like…. Joe?… Joe!, wake up

    I was saying that it looks… Joe? C’mon Joe, wake up! Augh, Well President Trump looks like it is pretty clear.

  18. More roadsigns along the way, the ~30 yr. ‘Piscean Era’ is ending. Dims have no depth on the bench for any credible, late-entry candidate, and I fully expect the Biden campaign to implode. Vaya con Dios, dirtbags.

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