Stop Bashing President Trump

David V MacCollum

I am sick and tired of every time on I turn on the TV for news, some jerk commentator is bashing President Trump. It is also a disgusting experience to read the local newspapers that only publish anti-Trump “fake” news in addition to having their brainless syndicated columnist wrongfully trash our President with their meaningless lies. Worse yet, is the once dependable major news magazines who now have lost my trust in their analysis of the news. All these magazines appear to be conspiring to dump Trump from the White House. Whatever happened to “un-biased” news reporting that lets the viewers and readers analyze facts and form their own opinions on what is happening, and who to support or blame?

By trashing the President, the media is only perpetuating the hate-mongering that is currently killing American values and what we stand for. The recent despicable Charlottesville, Virginia protest was a rally of white trash under the name of white nationalists that are full of hate for anyone that is not like them, yet the news media felt it necessary to lay partial blame on the President even though he denounced the protest’s participants and said that all parties are responsible.

The media needs to dump the anti-Trump rhetoric and “fake” news, and report on the positive things that President Trump and his Administration are doing for America. The President has been an inspiration by getting a lot of his agenda items accomplished in spite of a vocal and noisy bunch of anti-law-and-order and anti-Trump activists.

The intellectual Yet Idiots (IYI) described in Newt Gingrich’s book, Understanding Trump, rely on phony polls. When intellectuals confront Presidential supporters, the response should be load and clear: “Don’t give me that crap.” The right to free speech does not endorse untruthfulness. Do not argue with the uniformed liberals, as it only dignifies their faulty reasoning. Proper persuasion for adoption of conservative values starts with getting the attention of the public.

Political correctness never converts, as it fails to get anyone to listen. The first excuse made by liberals is that the attention-getting presentation was not politically correct, which means one thing: “they got the message and do not like it.” This is why the liberals want to stop the President’s twitter use. Sending tweets is a method for President Trump to tell the truth when the media refuses to do so.

Contrary to the dangers from ISIS, President Obama, in the Spring of 2015, during his speech at the graduation ceremony at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, announced that global warming was the number one threat to our national security. To me, global warming/climate change, as a result of human activity (population growth), is a hoax. The hate for Trump’s campaign fed on environmental issues about carbon and methane gases and went so far as to have President Obama actually propose a tax on Tillamook, Oregon cheese and ice cream because the milk ingredient comes from cows that expel methane gas. Really?

It appears, in the scheme of things, that the global warming issue and withdrawal from the Paris Accord by the U.S. is being used as another tool to force President Trump from the White House rather than to address the key national issues on health care and tax reform.

The Tucson and Sierra Vista local newspapers made no mention of the big rally that President Trump held in West Virginia celebrating the State’s Governor leaving the Democratic Party to become a Republican.  On August 17th, the Tucson newspaper commonly referred humorously to by many as the Red Star, announced that President Trump would hold a rally on August 22nd at the Phoenix Convention Center. For this, the Congressional Representative from Tucson is planning a protest. What will he protest, the President’s achievement of more jobs, a better economy, no terrorist attacks in Arizona, and most of all with his plain talk, the President got North Korea to back down on their announcement to launch a missile attack on Guam?

It is said that President Abraham Lincoln said these words:

  • “You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich
  • You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong
  • You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift
  • You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the payer down
  • You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred
  • You cannot build character and courage by taking away people’s initiative and independence
  • You cannot help people permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.”

President Trump was elected by the people of our great nation and I see no good of the continual bashing of him by a minority of IYI’s who think they are so much smarter than the President. If the radical left, unemployable congressional members and stupid journalists want to be accepted by the WORKING public who earn their keep every day, then they need to STOP BASHING TRUMP!  What is needed is a newspaper dedicated to telling the truth of what President Trump has accomplished. This is needed to stop the bashing of our great President.

BashingDavid V. MacCollumjerk commentatorpresidentSTOPTrump