For Save Ethnic Studies children do the heavy lifting

The Save Ethnic Studies 11 crew has grown to 13. It seems as if they couldn’t recruit any of the school board chain gang to join their suit yet, so they are using their own kids. Sean Arce’s and Lorenzo Lopez Jr.’s children have been added to make the Save-Ethnic-Studies 11 grow to the It-is-not-about-kids 13.

It seems as if they couldn’t recruit any of the school board chain gang yet, most likely due to the fact that few actually attended or will attend an TUSD schools this year or next, so they are using their own kids.

While legal experts have held that the case for the teachers of Save Ethnic Studies was far weaker as they probably lacked standing, Arizona’s Superintendent of Public Instruction Huppenthal’s position might be weak on vagueness. The students just might give the save the Save Ethnic Studies case. Some of the adults sure do rely on kids to do the heavy lifting.

Lorenzo Lopezmaya arceMexican American StudiesSave Ethnic Studiessean arcetusd