Scottsdale United: Teachers Viewing Lewd Sexual Images in View of Students Not a Fire-able Offense

Arcadia High School PE teacher Michael Hudnutt

Beleaguered Scottsdale Unified School District continues to add to its woes. SUSD is now fighting parents to retain a PE teacher who was caught looking at what some consider pornography in full view of children.

Arcadia High School PE teacher Michael Hudnutt was caught on videotape by students as he was scrolling through pictures of scantily clad women in sexualized positions. Students reportedly took the video on November 30, 2022, in the boys’ locker room, as they viewed Mr. Hudnutt through a glass office window that displayed the Arcadia logo.

Definition: Pornography (Porn)

1: the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement

2: material (such as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement


Parents believe that Mr. Hudnutt was briefly suspended from teaching in December 2022, however, on January 3, 2023, he was back on Arcadia’s campus leading classes, including freshman girl’s physical education.

Arcadia parents were outraged by his return and filed an official complaint on January 11, 2023. Scottsdale Unified documents show that Dr. Melissa Sackos, Assistant Superintendent, replied on January 27, 2023 that the issue had been addressed, but did not provide any details of what actions the district had taken. Mr. Hudnutt remained in his position at Arcadia High School.

A parent whose child saw the video commented, “The lesson being displayed by SUSD is that women are sexual objects. That’s just not right for the educational environment.”

Arcadia parents, still concerned about their children’s safety, appealed the districts’ decision on January 31, 2023.

On February 17, 2023, Dr. Karen Benson, Associate Superintendent, replied to the parents again claiming that the issue had been resolved. Mr. Hudnutt still remained in his position.

Acadia parents made a second appeal on February 22, 2023. The matter will now be elevated to the Scottsdale Unified Governing Board, with a tentative hearing date of March 7, 2023, potentially in executive session during the governing board special meeting.

SUSD’s legal counsel, Jennifer MacLennan of the district retained law firm Gust Rosenfeld, notified parents they will have five minutes to present their case, and the district will have five minutes to counter. The discussion is to occur at the end of the board meeting.

“It is unclear how the district will defend a teacher viewing what parents consider pornographic material at work in plain view of students,” said a Scottsdale Unites for Educational Integrity spokesman, “but that is what it appears they intend to do.”

While SUSD will have their taxpayer funded district attorneys at the meeting, parents have been told that they too can bring legal representation, at their own expense. Parents see this as another district ploy to scare the parents away as legal representation could easily cost thousands of dollars to retain an attorney and pay for their representation for the hours-long board meeting.

“It’s a David and Goliath move by the district and our children suffer,” stated a parent. “For all the diversity, equity, and inclusion that Superintendent Menzel espouses, he sure doesn’t seem to value inclusion or safety of our girls. He brings his high priced lawyers to defend why this man should remain in a position of power around children, when clearly he cannot control his sexual desires around them.”

“We’ve reviewed documents shared between the district and the parents, and this is pure institutional bullying,” said the Scottsdale Unites for Educational Integrity spokesman. “The district’s KEB complaint process is seemingly intentionally ambiguous, and thus, overwhelming for parents who are already afraid they will be retaliated against both online and from the district. Add in district attorneys stepping into the process to seemingly intimidate parents and it’s easy to see that Scottsdale Unified School District’s intention is to make the parents go away.”


While one public dispute may be enough for some school districts, controversy is one area in which SUSD overachieves. Two additional personnel issues have come to light in the past few weeks.

Desert Canyon Middle School:

A Desert Canyon Middle School teacher allegedly made crude, inappropriate comments to a female student, and then subsequently repeatedly touched the student in unwanted ways. This was followed by him calling her to his office because he suspected that “she was bored and needed a break.” Sources report that an investigation into the DCMS issue is underway with the Arizona Department of Education after Scottsdale Unifed has failed to take any meaningful action.


Chaparral High School:

In another report, a Chaparral teacher who fears for his/her job if their identity is discovered has emailed Scottsdale Unites for Educational Integrity under an anonymous account to raise concerns about Interim Principal Joshua Pantier.

The Chaparral teacher’s lengthy letter tells a tale concerning professional development training, weak campus leadership, and bullying of students and teachers. The teacher indicates there is fear among Chaparral staff who do not align with Superintendent Scott Menzel and his aggressive Scottsdale Education Association Union Blackshirts, who have vocally attacked those questioning Menzel’s leadership.

In a letter dated Thursday, March 2, 2023, the Chaparral teacher wrote: “The irony is the district sent out a survey asking for input about the current principal [Joshua Pantier] on Friday. They announced last night [Wednesday] that they’re recommending him to the school board on March 21st. I guarantee they didn’t even read the responses as many teachers didn’t even see the survey until Monday morning. There is a major problem when the district isn’t listening to teachers about the future of the school they are in.”

The teacher continued, “Two teachers texted me last night and expressed that they believe that within 2 years all of the teachers at Chaparral will quit if things continue the way they are. It’s sad at the lack of direction and support here.”


“Governing board policy BHD states that: ‘No anonymous communication will be considered by the Board.’ This leaves teachers and parents who wish to share opinions contrary to left-leaning, social-justice oriented SUSD administration and woke media in a tenuous position.” said a spokesperson from Scottsdale Unites for Educational Integrity. “We hope to be a conduit and safe space that enables SUSD staff and parents to voice opinions without fear of retaliation.”

It remains to be seen what will come from the concerns raised by parents about teachers viewing seemingly pornographic images in school, but to date Scottsdale Unified has made their position clear; teachers and staff looking at sexualized photos in full view of students is not a fireable offense. In fact that person may even be promoted.

Scottsdale Unites for Educational Integrity is a grassroots organization that connects parents, teachers, and community members in an effort to facilitate conversations about parents’ rights, curriculum transparency and academic integrity.

Scottsdale Unites for Educational Integrity is a grassroots organization providing a voice for parents, students, teachers & administrators.